Thirty | Recovery

446 14 0

Odette Sinclair

I blinked many times to get my eyes to adjust to the lighting. It was brighter than before. The paintings from around the room were gone all except one. The last painting I did; almost 5 months ago.

Remembering the last couple of days, my hands fly to my stomach. Is my baby okay? Looking down, I see my still growing tummy, running my hands around it, hoping my child was still in there.

It's still there. The little thing is a little fighter, like it's mama.

I tear up, happy that my baby is okay. That's all I was concerned about. My baby's safety is the most important thing to me and I don't care if Augusto disagrees. If this capture gave him the decision to choose me or the baby, he would choose the baby.

I smile. Out of everything I've been through, I try to see some sort of positive in this. I'm having a baby. My very own child and I couldn't have been given the greatest gift.

As much as I wanted to stay and caress my stomach, enjoying the moment of peace. The feeling of having to use the restroom overwhelms me. Trying to stand was an issue. It hurt. Pain spreading down my legs. I fall, letting out a whimper. As much as I try getting up, I struggle.

"Augusto!" I cry out.

Heavy footsteps makes their way from down the hall. With one quick motion the door is kicked open, not broken just open.

"Odette?!" He yells into the room.

"Augusto" I whisper again, raising my hand so he can see me. He hurries over to me and picks me up in his arms bridal style.

"You're okay, your home safe baby. I got you." He rests his head against mine, rocking me within his arms. His hand rubs the side of my cheek as the other wraps around my back.

"I'm sorry" I kept saying in between sobs.

"Baby. Look at me." I shake my head, to afraid of what kind of emotions I'll see.

He tips my head up roughly with his hand on my chin. Nothing but worry and sadness was shown. "Baby, this is not your fault. It's mine. Everything will be okay. I will make this right and he will die by my hands. Okay?" I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder.

We stayed like that for a while. He held me in complete silence but who knew that's exactly what we needed? The smell of another wolf made its wave in my senses.

"Who is she?" I softly spoke. He looks at me with a small confused look.

"Who is who?"

"There is another scent in this room Augusto. Who's is it?" I move away from him, trying to walk to the couch on the other side of the room.

"There was nobody here my love besides the maids. I understand you're in shock with everything and you're hormonal but that doesn't mean you can say something as low as me cheating on you. I would never." He stood.

I looked into his eyes and I can tell he is being honest with me. He looks at me with a sad look, so i pull him over to sit next to me so I can sit on his lap.

"Im sorry." I spoke.

"It's okay." His eyes light up, "How's our little bean?" Seeing him admire my stomach makes my heart swell. It makes all the bad within our time go away.

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