Twenty - Nine | Capture

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‼️warning: do not continue to continue if ur sensitive to assault or abuse‼️

Odette Sinclair

I need to move, to scream and cry for help. At least something, but I couldn't. My body and I weren't connected like it once was. I may still be in one piece but I no longer could move. A side effect from wolfsbane in your body- making it seem like your paralyzed.

Is my baby okay? I don't think a tiny little being can handle the amount of wolfsbane within my system.

My emotions took over. I was awake. He knew that. He knew me all too well. I didn't dare open my eyes to give him the satisfaction. His prideful aura mixed with a faded copper filled the room, making me want to hold my breath.

What happened to me? How long have I been out? Is Augusto safe? Is he okay? Please tell me my baby is okay.

I open my eyes and see harsh brown ones staring back at mine. His eyes had wrinkles on the sides, giving him the older look. His hair was dark brown with different shades of grey on the sides. His build was somewhat there, his shoulders were meek compared to Augusto's. The man in front of me ranged from 5'9- 5'11. So this is what my kidnapper looks like.

"I thought you died for a moment. You've been out of three days." He breaks the silence. My eyes widen as I looked around. THREE DAYS?!
You have to be joking me.

"Now, be a good girl and hold still." He come closer, his steps echoed through the room.

I pulled at the chains that were practically holding me up. I pulled and screamed for my life until his body pushed against mine, his hand covering my mouth.

My baby...I'm so sorry.

"Shh little girl. You need to be quiet." He smirked, a hint of excitement within his actions. This is how he did it before.

I felt the hem of a shirt that I didn't even know I had on being torn off. I screamed, tears falling down my face onto his hand. He smiled. One of those pleasing smiles. Like he was happy with his decisions.

I felt his fingers touch me in ways they shouldn't. In a way no man should violently and recklessly be touching a women. I was stripped once, now I'm stripped of everything. My dignity, my pride and my identity of myself- all of it gone.

"Stop!" I managed to sob out. He chuckles, grounding me from any oxygen I need.

Another pain through my heart struck me, only it happened from the inside.

My baby..

"Shhh babygirl, just like before." He whispered.

His fingers entered, roughly and unwanted. He kept going.

He wouldn't stop. Not until his smiled widened and he was pleased. In one punch, darkness took over me. This time, I was excited for it to take over.


I woke up with trees around me, with darkness looming over. The cold air hitting my skin, nipping at it like a lost cause. Everything hurt, everything about me felt different.

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