Twenty - Six | Someone Else

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Odette Sinclair

Augusto's meetings have taken over his life these last few weeks. I'm sure that's been planned but sometimes I can't help but wonder if there is something else. A new secret.

The ball of the year is coming up. People from around the world come a celebrate. Friendships and alliances can be made.

"Is there a specific reason for said ball?" I ask, finishing getting ready, "He was too busy to answer me."

"He didn't say. I think he wants to secretly form alliances to your protection. Perhaps even, getting the kingdoms together." Lilian raises a brow.

Agreeing to this task, I knew what challenge awaited me but never did I think he would be this picky about it.


She looks up and smiles, "Yes Odette?"

"I don't know how he wants this ball to look. Should I go towards fancy or really fancy?" I frown, overwhelmed with such a straightforward task.

"Odette, don't worry about what that baboon is saying. Do what you feel is right." Her hand lays on mine, in a comforting manner. Baboon..Augusto's a baboon.

I nodded and we laid every clothe out. It was the kind of clothe that drapes down the ceiling to a pillar, along with draping over the sides of the windows.

"Do you know what kind of ball this is?" Lilian asks.

I shake my head, my eyebrows coming together in frustration. "No. But he said it's whatever I decide. I've never done this type of thing before. Should it be him and I planning this? Not just me?"

Lilian rolled her eyes, making me chuckle.

"Of course he didn't. What a bastard." I agree.

"I think we should go elegant, with a dark royal blue drape clothe as the drapes. We can have someone grab us fairy lights or some sort of lights to brighten it up besides the chandelier!" I insist.

"That's perfect! We could have the fairy lights go through the double doors and out on the terrace!"

"I love that idea!" I cheered.

"Okay, so that's situated. Now, what about the table clothe?"

"I think we should go with crème. Only because we are choosing the royal blue drapes." White roses with some blue morning glories shall be in the center. Oh! And gold lined plates."

"Perfect." I nodded.

After gathering our planned color schemes, everything else wasn't to difficult. Gold lined plates and golden silver wear were placed in there positions. After a very long day, everything seemed to be in its final glory.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I ask Lilian, hesitantly rubbing my arm.

"I think he will love it. You designed it and I know he loves you." She smiled.

We kept our smile until big footsteps brought us out. We looked at him and his face showed all the emotions needed.

"This wasn't what I was picturing." He glared.

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