Potions master

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Hogwarts, August 15, 1982

Severus apparated with his daughter Grace, to Hogwarts. Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had requested his presence. Without hesitation Snape accepted the request and as he had nowhere to leave little Grace, he had to take her with him. He entered through the great gates of Hogwarts and headed for the Headmaster's office. At the entrance, he stopped in front of the gargoyle and said, "Sherbet lemon,"

He then walked in, and went to Dumbledore's office. The Headmaster was already waiting for him.

"Severus, I'm glad you accepted my invitation." he said, then looking at Grace. "I see you brought someone with you." he spoke quietly, glaring at Grace, who looked at him and smiled.

"This is my..." Severus started saying, but he was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Daughter. Grace Lily Snape, I already knew about the girl's existence. Severus, why don't you sit down? Perhaps our conversation will take a while, I believe Minerva is available and agrees to look after the girl."

Dumbledore asked one of his portraits to call Professor McGonagall. A few minutes later she walked in his office. "Albus, have you requested my presence?"

"Oh, yes, Minerva, I believe you remember Severus Snape, he was your student in Hogwarts." Dumbledore told her.

Minerva now noticed they weren't the only ones in the office. She turned to look at Severus.

"Severus! It's been a while since I've seen you! And who's that beautiful little girl?" Minerva said.

"Professor McGonagall, this is my daughter, Grace." Snape spoke, introducing his daughter to Minerva.

"Daughter? I didn't know you were married..." she said, confused.

"Grace is Lily Potter's daughter, Minerva." Dumbledore spoke, before Minerva could say anything else he continued. "Well, I requested you because Severus and I have some things to discuss, and I'd like you to take care of Grace for a while, if you don't mind."

Minerva was observing the girl, she looked just like her mother, except for the hair. "Of course, I don't mind at all!" she said, going to Snape and taking the girl from his lap.

"I'll late you know when we're finished and Severus can pick Grace in your room."

Then Minerva left the Headmaster's office with Grace in her arms.

"Severus, I requested you here to offer you a job at Hogwarts, as a professor." Dumbledore spoke. "Like you had asked."

"Will I be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Snape asked.

"No. You'll be teaching Potions. I fear that the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was cursed, and I intend to keep you in Hogwarts for a while."

"Will I start this year?"

"Yes. Horace retired, therefore we need a new Potion Master."

"What about Grace? She can't live here." Severus asked.

"I'm afraid not, she's too young and she'll need more care, and we won't be able to give that to her here. But I got her somewhere to stay, the only problem is that you'll have to be away from her during school year, but you can visit her during holidays, and in summer and winter vacations she can go back living with you."

"Where do you think of letting her stay?" Severus asked worriedly, since his daughter's birth he had a strong bond with her.

"I believe you know the Blacks. Sirius Black studied in the same year as you. Grace will be staying with Andromeda Tonks, she works for the Order, she is Bellatrix and Narcissa's sister, and also Sirius' cousin. I've already arranged everything with her and she agreed to take care of Grace while you teach at Hogwarts."

"Yes, Andromeda, she was disinherited by the Blacks after she married a muggle-born. How do I know if she's capable of taking care of my daughter?"

"Andromeda is married to Edward Tonks and they both have a daughter, Nymphadora. I believe the girl is nine years old now."

"And when can I take Grace to her?"

"On September first, before you come to Hogwarts. Andromeda will be waiting."

Snape then left Dumbledore's office, went to Minerva's room and picked up his daughter, they both went back home.

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