Disagreements and Diagon Alley

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"But, Dad!" Grace said, grumbling.

It was the summer holidays. Grace received letters from her friends and Harry practically every week. Today, she had received an invitation from Ron Weasley to come to his house.

"I said no! You can't go to any boy's house." Severus said.

"But Ginny will be there, and Hermione! Besides, I'll be able to see Harry again, he invited him too!" Grace insisted.

"Not a chance. You know I don't approve of you being friends with the Weasleys, Know-it-all and Potter." Severus said.

Grace rolled her eyes. "You know you can't forbid me to be friends with them." Grace said.

"I know, and that's why I don't want you to go and visit them. I told you, you can visit your friends, you went to the Greengrass house last week." Severus said.

"What if I had a boyfriend? Or another friend who was a boy? Would you let me go to his house?" Grace asked, challenging her father.

"Those are stupid questions, Grace. Of course not. Besides, you know you're too young to be dating. It's a good thing I work at Hogwarts, I'll be keeping an eye on you for years to come." Severus said.

"And when will I no longer be young enough to date?" Grace asked angrily.

"If it were up to me, you wouldn't date, but I know that's impossible. So I'll set a minimum age when you're 17. You'll be legally an adult and I won't be able to stop you." Severus said.

Grace growled, went to her room and slammed the door.

"Lily, you don't know how much I need you at times like this. Grace is becoming a teenager and needs a mother..." Severus said, as if he could communicate with Lily.

Diagon Alley, August 3, 1993

Grace was going to Diagon Alley to buy her supplies, she was going to her second year at Hogwarts. She had had an argument with her father a few days before and didn't want to go with him to Diagon Alley, but she didn't say anything to him. Instead, she arranged with Ella Wilkins to go shopping together, so Snape gave her some money.

The two entered the Leaky Cauldron. Grace couldn't believe who she had found.

"Harry!" Grace said, and ran to hug him.

"Hello, Grace!" Harry said, hugging her back.

Then Grace went to greet Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the other Weasleys who were there.

"See you later. Ella and I are going to buy our supplies now." Grace said.

"Mum, can I come along?" Ginny asked.

"I think we'd better all go together then. You know, girls, Sirius Black is out there, it's not good for you to walk alone." Mrs Weasley said.

Molly, Arthur, Percy, Fred and George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ella and Grace went to Diagon Alley to buy the school supplies.

"Let's split up to make it easier. Arthur, take Fred, George, Percy, Ron and Harry. I'll take Ginny, Hermione, Grace and Ella." Molly said.

They went to the book store first.

"I've already got the list of supplies for the second and third year here, why don't you buy something you need while I'm at it? All I ask is that you all go together." Molly said.

The four girls left the bookshop, first going to Madam Malkin's to buy new uniforms and then to the ice-cream parlour, leaving Zonko's for last.

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