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It was September 1, 2017. Draco and Grace were pushing their children's cart. Beside Grace was Scorpius Severus Malfoy, with almost white blond hair just like his father's, and emerald green eyes like his mother's. Beside Draco was Elara Nymphadora Malfoy, with dark hair like her mother's and grandfather's, and gray eyes like her father's. It was Scorpius' first year at Hogwarts, Elara would only enter three years later.

Grace and Harry during all those years helped raise Ted together with Andromeda, until the boy moved in with Harry. The children of the two, who were cousins, grew up very close, especially Scorpius and Albus, and Elara and Lily.

Since the day the Second Wizarding War ended, Grace notices how things have changed, everyone has changed, for the better.

Ron and Hermione had Rose and Hugo, Hermione working at the Ministry in the Department of Magic Enforcement. Ron and Harry working as aurors, and Ginny was a professional Quidditch player.

Percy Weasley married a Ravenclaw named Audrey, and the two had two daughters: Molly and Lucy.

George married Angelina Johnson and the two had Fred and Roxanne Weasley.

Bill and Fleur had three children: Victoire, Dominique and Louis.

Neville and Luna have married and the two live just outside Hogwarts during the vacations, as Neville has become a Herbology teacher at the school, while Luna during the school year works as a Magizoologist.

Melia and Susan have married and adopted a pair of twins, Ruby and Lucas, and all four live in the muggle world, Melia working as a psychologist and Susan as a lawyer.

Astoria decided to move to Brazil and works as a Charms teacher at the Castelobruxo school.

Blaise and Daphne married and had Sebastian. Blaise works as editor of the Daily Prophet and Daphne as a reporter.

Ella moved to the United States and there she married an American wizard and the two had a daughter named Olivia, who, according to Ella, belongs to House Wampus.

Megan married Theodore Nott and they both work in the Mystery Department of the Ministry of Magic.

Denis Creevey, Colin's younger brother, married a wizard from Spain and works at the Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Hogwarts after the war was restored. McGonagall took over as Headmistress and Flitwick as Deputy Headmaster.

Severus revealed to Minerva and the other professors that he was alive. Nevertheless, he retired and left his position as Potions Master to Slughorn.

When Draco had proposed to Grace, Narcissa immediately accepted and treated Grace as her own daughter, Lucius was not very happy about this, Narcissa and him ended up disagreeing on many things and the two divorced, leaving Narcissa, Draco, Grace, and later Elara and Scorpius, living at Malfoy Manor. Soon after the war, Narcissa and Andromeda reconciled and to this day try to make up for lost time since when the Blacks disowned Andromeda.

Soon after Voldemort's death, with him the curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was broken. Minerva agreed that there would be no better choice for the position than Grace.

Grace prayed that her children's Hogwarts years would be normal and safe, but with her present at the school, she was sure that Scorpius and Elara would be safe.

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