First day of school

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After breakfast, Grace and her Slytherin classmates went to class.

"Girls, what class do we have now?" Ella asked.

"We have Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs." Grace answered.

The five of them went to the Transfiguration classroom. On one side of the room sat the Slytherin students, on the other the Hufflepuff students. Professor McGonagall gave the roll call and then began her lesson.

"This year you'll learn basic Transfiguration spells. The first one thing I'll teach is to turn water into rum. Open your books."

After their Transfiguration class, the girls went straight to their Charms class with the Ravenclaws. The next thing they knew, it was lunchtime. The five of them were sitting together at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall.

"What classes do we have this afternoon?" Astoria asked.

"Double Potions and then Flying." Grace answered, se had memorized their schedule.

"Potions with the Gryffindors?" Megan asked. Grace nodded. "Oh I wanna see that, they say Snape favors Slytherins and is always making excuses to take points from Gryffindor."

After lunch, the five of them headed for the Potions classroom in the dungeons. Before the class began, Grace spotted Ginny. "Hey, Ginny! How are things going in Gryffindor?"

"Nice, I just don't really like one of my classmates, Romilda Vane..." she answered. "What about you, how are things in Slytherin?"

"Excellent! Astoria and I are getting along really well with our roommates." Grace answered excitedly.

And then Snape entered the room. He took roll call and gave the same speech he gave every year to the first-year students.

"Does someone know what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked the students, waiting for someone to raise their hand. Grace did, which didn't surprise him.

"It makes a potion called the Draught of Living Death, a sleeping potion." she answered.

"That's right. Ten points to Slytherin." Snape said.

A boy from Gryffindor whispered to another student. "He only gave her points because she's his daughter..."

"For that comment made to pick on Miss Snape, minus 10 points will be taken from Gryffindor. Next time, Jones, you'll go straight to detention." Snape hissed, making all Gryffindors silent, and the Slytherins laughed quietly.

"Given that you think I'm being unfair because Miss Snape is my daughter, then maybe you can answer me, Jones, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Snape asked, challenging Peter Jones. The boy didn't know the answer. "I'll take other ten points from Gryffindor, you all should know that information by now. Does someone here know the answer?"

Melia Rosier raised her hand. "Yes, Miss Rosier?"

"A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat." she answered.

"That is correct. Other ten points to Slytherin. I see you're as smart as your sister, Miss Rosier." Snape said.

The next thing they knew, Potions class was over and all the first year students were on the castle lawn ready to learn how to fly. For Grace, the flying lesson was interesting. Madam Hooch said that if the girl kept progressing the way she was, she could try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team next year.

After the flying lesson and dinner, the girls were heading for the Slytherin Common Room. Grace remembered that Snape had asked her to come to his office after dinner. Grace left her friends and went to meet her father in his office. She knocked on the door and entered.

"Why did you call me here, Dad?" Grace asked curiously.

"Can't I want to talk to my daughter about her first day at school?" Severus spoke.

"Oh, of course! It was great!" she answered.

"Madam Hooch, Minerva and Flitwick came to see me after their classes. They complimented you very much. Of course, you have your mother's intelligence... I just don't know where you got the gift for flying on a broom." said Snape.

"Madam Hooch said that if I carried on like this I could try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team next year!" Grace spoke extremely excited.

"That's very good, dear. Now, tell me, I'm curious, what did the Hat say to you?" Snape asked.

"Well, he didn't consider putting me in Hufflepuff. Then he was between Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, but he said besides my intelligence, he thought I wouldn't fit in Ravenclaw. He then was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. He said I was really courageous, but I was also clever, ambitious, and sly, and then he made the decision of putting me in Slytherin."

"I'm really glad you got into Slytherin, honey. I'm afraid you're more like me than I thought. So, how are your roommates? I hope they're being nice to you and not treating you any differently because I'm your father."

"They're really nice, but I'm still closer to Astoria, even though Ella is also very sweet. I guess I just haven't gotten used to Melia and Megan and this whole blood purity thing." Grace told her father sincerely.

"They weren't prejudiced against you just because you're half-blood, were they?"

"No! Not at all! We got on very well. Last night, when I got back from the Headmaster's office, we talked for a while, about everything, Quidditch, our lives before Hogwarts, about bo..." GGrace said, but interrupted herself; she didn't want to tell her father that she and her friends were talking about boys.

"What else, love? Was you going to say something?" he asked suspiciously.

11 years of living with Severus, Grace knew that when she didn't want her father to know something, it was better not to look him in the eye.

"No, it was just that." she said blushing.

"Alright, then."

Grace was about to leave when her father stopped her. "Honey, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yes, dad, of course. See you tomorrow." she said, walking out and going back to the Common Room.

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