Hogwarts Express

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King's Cross, September 1, 1992

Severus and Grace Snape apparated at King's Cross.

"Where is the Hogwarts platform, dad?" Grace asked him.

"Platform 9 3/4 is between platforms 9 and 10, honey." Snape answered her.

They both went to where the platforms were, and now they were between the platforms 9 and 10.

"Honey, I'll have to leave you here, I'm sorry. Run over there and you'll have reached platform 9 3/4." Severus said.

Grace put her owl's cage on top of her luggage. She turned to her father one last time before he left.

"See you at Hogwarts, dad." Grace told him, hugging Snape.

"I'll see you there, dear."

Grace held her cart tightly, then ran towards the wall where platform 9 3/4 was on the other side. She crossed the platform, found herself in an environment full of wizards, and smiled. Before she got on the train, her new friend Astoria Greengrass spotted Grace.

"Grace, there you are! Thankfully I've found you, I didn't want to go in by myself..." Astoria said.

"Astoria let's go in the train. I'm by myself so I'm going to need your help with my luggage." Grace said.

The two of them put their things inside the train, one helping the other. Then they started looking for empty seats, until they found a compartment where a girl about their age was sitting alone. She was a redhead.

"Hello, can we sit with you?" Grace asked the girl.

"Of course!" the girl answered.

Grace and Astoria entered the compartment and sat down facing the girl.

"I'm Ginny. Ginny Weasley, what about you?" she introduced herself.

When the girl told her last name, Grace noticed Astoria acted strangely.

"I'm Astoria Greengrass. I've heard about your family. I'm sorry people treat you like blood traitors..." Astoria spoke.

"I don't really care." Ginny responded.

"I'm Grace Snape, It's nice to meet you."

"Snape? My brothers have told me about a professor that his last name is also Snape..." Ginny said.

"Yeah... He teaches Potions at Hogwarts, he's my father." Grace sighed. "Do you have siblings?"

"I have a sister, Daphne. She's in second year now. She's a Slytherin, my family wants me to go to Slytherin as well, but they won't be mad if I end up in another house." Astoria said.

"I have six brothers. I'm the youngest and the only girl. All my brothers are in Gryffindor. My brother, Ron, is also in second year." Ginny said. "What about you, got any siblings?"

"I do, but he doesn't know me yet... You must've heard about him, Harry Potter."

"HARRY POTTER IS YOUR BROTHER?!" They both yelled.

"Yes... Actually, half-brother. We have the same mom." Grace said.

After some time discussing about Harry Potter, they both calmed down and got back to talking normally.

"What house do you want to go to?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Well, I really want my parents to be proud of me and be happy for me, I'd like to go to Slytherin, but I don't really mind being put in another house." Astoria said. "My parents were also in Slytherin."

"I want to go to Gryffindor. My whole family is in Gryffindor, but I really wanted to be in the same house as you two." Ginny said.

"My father was in Slytherin, and he told me my mother was in Gryffindor, I really have no preferences." Grace said sincerely.

"Girls, I think we should change into our uniforms. We're almost arriving." Astoria said, pointing to the castle.

The three of them changed, and before they knew they've arrived in Hogwarts.

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