Embarrassing conversations and Quidditch tryouts

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It was a Tuesday. Grace and the four girls woke up, got dressed, now Grace was temporarily wearing a bra borrowed from Astoria. The five of them went to the great hall for breakfast.

When they were all talking to other Slytherins and eating, the owls arrived. Lyra landed in front of Grace with a letter tied to her paw. Grace anxiously untied Lyra's letter, picked it up and opened it:

Dear Grace,

I read your letter last night when I got home. Lyra seemed very insistent on delivering it. I'm so glad you asked for my help. I'm sorry I can't do much about it, you know I'm training to be an Auror and the training is hard and demanding. When you're in London on holiday, perhaps we could go shopping, just you and me? If you're in dire need of lingerie, don't worry, I've solved your problem. I told my mum that you sent me a letter last night and that I really wanted to help you, but I haven't had time to do anything apart from training to become an Auror. I asked her to go and buy some bras for you when she had time and to send them to Hogwarts via owl.

P.S: I'm so glad you're trying out for your house's Quidditch team! If you need any other help, I want you to know you can count on me, just write me a letter!

Hugs, N.T.

Grace was relieved to receive the letter. She would reply to Nymphadora later.

The lessons passed and it was finally time for Grace to go to her father's office. There was just one detail she had forgotten: all the letters she receives, Snape opens first. Grace entered her father's room, who was already waiting for her, sitting behind the desk.

"Good evening, dad." Grace spoke.

"Good evening, Grace." Snape said.

Grace knew that when her father called her Grace, either he was angry or he wanted to have a chat with her. Grace sat down facing her father.

"How was your day?" Grace asked.

"You know how my day was. I tried to teach insolents who have no ability with Potions. I want to know how was yours." Snape said.

Grace, realising that Snape was trying to figure something out, began to stare at her own feet.

"When you talk to someone, remember to always look them in the eye, my eyes aren't down there, young lady." Snape said.

Grace nervously looked back at her father, who was analysing her.

"My day was normal. My friend and I woke up and we had History of Magic, Charms..." Grace started to say.

"I know your schedule, Grace. I want to know, what are you hiding from me?" Snape asked.

"N-nothing, dad."

"You received a letter today, haven't you? Who was the letter from?" he asked her.


"And what did she want?"

"To know how I was doing in my second year at Hogwarts... that's all..."

"Grace, you know that I have access to your letters and everything you receive at Hogwarts, so I already know what Nymphadora's letter is about."

Grace turned red and went back to looking at her feet.

"Darling, I'm sorry you don't have a mum to help you in this kind of situation... I really wish your mum was alive... But I'm going to ask you something, I'm your father, whether you like it or not I'm the person you need to turn to when you need help."

"You said that if I didn't feel comfortable talking about certain things with you, I could ask Dora or Andromeda for help?" Grace said.

"I know, dear. But here at Hogwarts it's safer for you to come and talk to me, you know what Andromeda's reputation is... When we're at home, of course you can exchange letters with them, but I'd rather you did it only at home. I know this isn't what you'd like, my love, that you'd prefer your mum for certain things, but unfortunately you're going to have to come and talk to me. I'm not very comfortable with some of the things I have to help you with either, but I'll try to help as much as I can." Snape said.

He saw that Grace was extremely embarrassed by the whole conversation, so he went to hug her.

Sunday, Hogwarts

Grace was very excited, anxious and nervous at the same time. Today was going to be the day of her try-out for the Slytherin quidditch team. Melia, Megan, Ella and Astoria went to watch the try-out from one of the stands on the pitch. Grace had borrowed his Nimbus 2000 from Harry so that she could play.

The Slytherin quidditch team was: Marcus Flint, chaser and captain. Draco Malfoy, seeker, and Miles Bletchley, keeper. The two missing beaters and two chasers would be chosen by the captain at the try-out.

Everyone who was going to try out for the team gathered round Marcus Flint.

"Our try-out will be as follows: play as if you were fighting for the Quidditch Cup and as if it were a normal match."

Graham Montague, Harper Cram, Zoe Accrington, Malcolm Baddock and Grace wanted the position of chaser. Milicent Bulstrode, Peregrine Derrick, Michael Robinson, Lucian Bole and Theodore Nott wanted the beater position.

The game started first with Marcus Flint, Zoe Accrington and Harper Cram as chasers, Malfoy as seeker, Miles Bletchley as keeper and Milicent Bulstrode and Michael Robinson as beaters. Zoe Accrington was eliminated after a bad miss on goal and Harper Cram couldn't even catch the quaffle in the air, so both were eliminated. Milicent Bulstrode, trying to hit one of the bludgers, missed the target and hit Michael Robinson in the face with her bat, who went straight to the hospital ward, so they were both out.

In the second game, Graham Montague and Malcolm Baddock replaced the other chasers and Peregrine Derrick and Theodore Nott were the new beaters. Montague was doing well, bowling strong, accurate balls at goal, Baddock hadn't hit a ball at goal and was out. Peregrine Derrick hit the bat hard on a bludger, almost hitting the keeper, Nott was out, not even knowing how to hold the bat properly.

In the third game, Grace was the chaser along with Flint and Montague. The beaters were Derrick and Lucian Bole. Grace deflected well the 3 times she was chased by a bludger and scored 3 goals.

And then the long-awaited hour arrived, when the captain would announce who had made the team. Grace now realised that there were more people in the stands who were watching the try-out, Harry, Ron and Hermione, and Snape too.

Everyone climbed down from their brooms onto the pitch. The others who were watching the training session also came closer to hear the announcement.

"I've made up my mind. The two new Slytherin beaters, Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole, you're both strong and have good aim. And finally, our two new chasers, Graham Montague and Grace Snape! Montague, with his brute strength, is able to get past his opponents and shoot at goal. Grace has great agility to evade bludgers and the opposition and also manages to score goals. Congratulations to everyone who made the team, next Sunday we'll start training." Flint announced.

Snape celebrated silently as his daughter joined the Slytherin quidditch team. The other girls ran up to Grace and hugged her. Harry, Ron and Hermione also went over to her.

"Congratulations, Grace! You definitely deserve it!" Harry said, hugging his sister.

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