Gilderoy Lockhart

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It was a Tuesday, the first year Slytherin girls were leaving the Great Hall where they had gone for breakfast and were heading to their Defence Against the Dark Arts class, which they would be sharing with Gryffindor. All the students were sitting at their desks in Lockhart's classroom.

"Good morning, students! I'm Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming Smile Award." he said smiling. Some girls were delighted by him. Grace was not one of them.

"I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about, just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in..." he said, handing the tests. "You have thirty minutes — start — now!"

Grace started reading the questions, she was hoping she would do well, after all she had read Lockhart's books.

"What's Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color? What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition? What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?" Grace murmured, thinking that was absurd.

After some time, Lockhart collected all the papers and rifled through them in front of the class.

"Hardly any of you remembered that my favorite color is lilac. Just this miss right here, Ms. Weasley! Ten points for Gryffindor for remembering that." he said, all Gryffindors cheered.

The day passed quickly. When she noticed, Grace had already eaten dinner and was heading to her father's office, as she had agreed to do every day after dinner. Grace knocked on the door and entered.

"Hi, dad." Grace said and sat down in the chair facing her father.

"Professor Lockhart commented to me on your terrible grade on your first test! How did that happen, Grace?" Snape asked disappointedly.

"It's not my fault, I swear! I read his books before I came to Hogwarts, but the test questions had nothing to do with Defence Against the Dark Arts! They asked about his favourite colour and his birthday!" Grace said, defending herself.

"All right... I expected that from Lockhart anyway... I told Dumbledore that Gilderoy as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher would be a big mistake. And I know that if the questions were about the subject, you'd be able to answer them." Snape said. "How was your day?"

"It wasn't too bad... apart from that stupid test where he gave Gryffindor 10 points because Ginny knew his favourite colour... Today I also had Herbology, Astronomy and History of Magic. I've never had a more boring subject than History of Magic..."

"Sprout and Sinistra also praised you. And I knew they would, after all, you have your mother's intelligence..." Snape told her.

"I need to get back to the Common Room, Dad. I've got homework to do." Grace said.

"Why don't you do your homework here?" he suggested.

"I'd already agreed with the girls that we'd do it together, and Megan probably needs my help with Astronomy."

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you later, dad." Grace said, leaving her father's office and going back to the Common Room to do homework.

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