Choosing a date for the Yule Ball

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A few weeks later, the Slytherin students were all gathered to hear what the Headmaster of House had to say.

"Attention! The Yule Ball is approaching — a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above — although you may invite a younger student if you wish —" Snape said.

Grace and the rest of the third years and younger students began to complain. Snape was glad that his daughter would not attend the Ball because she was not old enough.

"Dress robes will be worn," Snape continued.

And then the bell rang and all the students dispersed.

"How unfair! We won't be able to take part in the Ball just because of our age..." Megan spoke.

"Even more unfair is that it will be here, I see no reason why we can't go." Ella said.

"It's as if we were at home and our parents planned a party and didn't invite us..." Melia said.

"I hope some of us will be invited..." Grace said.

A few days had passed since the announcement of the Ball. Grace was sitting with Harry and Ron in the grounds of Hogwarts.

"Why do they have to move in packs?" Harry asked. "How're you supposed to get one on their own to ask them?"

"Harry, don't worry. I bet you won't have any trouble finding someone to go with you. Especially now that you are the champion and have defeated a dragon." Grace reassured him.

"I bet they'll be queuing up to go with you." Ron said.

"Have you got someone to go with you to the Ball?" Astoria asked.

"Good reminder." Melia said, "Hey, Theodore!"

Melia shouted to Theodore Nott who was on the other side of the Common Room.

"Yeah?" he turned to her.

" Do you have a date for the Ball?" she asked.

"No..." he said hesitantly.

"Do you want to go with me?" Melia asked him.


And then she turned to Grace and her friends again. "Now it's up to you." she said.

"Wasn't he the one supposed to invite you?" Astoria asked.

"Well, they said we could only go to the dance with someone from fourth year on, he's in fourth year. Besides, they won't know it was me who invited him." Melia said.

Grace had never talked much with Theodore, but he seemed like a nice boy. She was looking forward to receiving an invitation from a certain blond...

"I wonder if the other Slytherins already have a date..." Ella said.

"We won't know unless we ask, but I bet Crabbe and Goyle don't have one yet, though I don't think anyone would want to go with either of them." Megan said.

"I think I'd rather not go to the Ball than go with them..." Grace said.

"Daphne!" Astoria called her sister.

Astoria's older sister overheard and approached the girls. "Do you know who is still available for the Ball?" Astoria asked her.

"Ah, of the boys Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise have not found a date yet." Daphne answered.

"Do you already have a date?" Melia asked.

"Adrian Pucey has invited me a few days ago." she said.

Grace could only think of one thing: Draco had already chosen a date.

"Who has Draco invited?" Ella asked.


Grace was still upset that Draco had invited Pansy to the Ball. She even got it off her chest with Astoria, who told her to forget about it and try asking someone else. All the girls had gotten someone to go to the Ball: Melia would go with Theodore Nott, Megan with Cassius Warrington from Slytherin, Ella with Dean Thomas from Gryffindor, and Astoria with Anthony Goldstein from Ravenclaw.

Grace was in the Common Room alone, sad that she hadn't gotten a date yet. She was concentrating on a book she was reading when someone interrupted her.

"Excuse me,"

Grace closed the book and looked at who was calling her. It was Blaise.

"Oh, hi Blaise. Everything alright?"

"Not very much, actually. The girl I'd like to take to the Ball is lonely and sad because the guy she wanted didn't ask her."

Grace chuckled, blushing.

"Would you like to go to the Ball with me, Grace?" Blaise asked her.

"I'd love to, Blaise."

Now that the five girls finally had dates for the Ball, they were more excited than ever. But there was only one problem: Grace, who hadn't spoken to her father in a few days, had to tell him that she was going to the ball and with whom, because she had to buy her dress. The girl took a deep breath, knocked on the door of Snape's room, and entered upon hearing his answer.

"Ah, I see you decided to talk to me again." Severus spoke.

Grace approached her father without looking into his eyes not even for a second. "It wasn't really a choice. I came to warn you and also to ask for money so that I could go with the girls to Hogsmeade." she said, looking at her feet.

"And why would you need more money if I already gave it to you at the beginning of the school year?" Severus asked her suspisciously.

"Because I need more to buy a dress for the Yule Ball." Grace quickly said.

There was a silence for a few seconds.

"Who's invited you?" he asked.


More silence.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Severus said.

"I don't see how that could be a bad idea, besides, even if you won't let me I'll go. I'll ask Andromeda or Nymphadora if you don't want me to.

Severus went to his quarters and returned a few seconds later. "Alright. Take it."

And he handed her some money so Grace could buy the dress.

"If I see him doing anything he isn't supposed to..."

"Dad, we are friends! Nothing much is going to happen. Besides, I'm 13 years old, I'm not a child anymore, so stop treating me like one."

"You know that everything I do for you is for your own good. Forgive me if I act this way, but I only want to protect you." Severus said sincerely.

"I don't need to be protected, Dad. See you later." Grace then left her father's office and slammed the door.

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