The Chamber of Secrets has been opened

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Grace and Astoria were leaving the Great Hall, having just finished dinner. Grace found it very strange that Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't at dinner. As the two headed towards the Slytherin Common Room, they met the golden trio coming from somewhere.

"Hey, Harry!" Grace greeted them. "Ron, Hermione."

"Hi, Grace." Harry spoke, he sounded worried about something.

"What's up? You seem worried." Grace asked him.

The five of them continued walking to where Harry was going.

"Look!" Grace whispered yelled.

Everyone approached slowly. There was something written on the wall between two windows.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware." Astoria read out loud.

"What's that thing — hanging underneath?" Ron asked.

As they began to approach, Harry almost slipped, there was a large puddle of water on the floor, Ron and Hermione held him back and continued to approach the message. They realised what it was and jumped backwards, splashing water. It was Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat. She was stiff and her eyes were wide and staring.

"Let's get out of here." Grace suggested.

"Shouldn't we try and help—" Harry began.

"Trust me," said Grace. "We don't want to be found here."

But it was too late. Dinner was over and the students began to pass through the corridor. Everyone who passed stopped when they saw the writing in blood and the hanging cat.

"Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!" Draco, who just got there, spoke.

Seconds later they heard Filch screaming. "What's going on here? What's going on?"

Then he saw his cat. "My cat! My cat! What's happened to Mrs. Norris?" he shrieked.

He glared at Harry. "You!" he screeched. "You! You've murdered my cat! You've killed her! I'll kill you! I'll —"

"It wasn't Harry!" Grace tried to say, but she was interrupted by another voice.


Dumbledore had arrived on the scene, followed by a number of other teachers, including Snape.

"Come with me, Argus," Dumbledore said to Filch. "You, too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, Miss Greengrass, and Miss Snape."

Lockhart took a step forward. "My office is nearest, Headmaster — just upstairs — please feel free —"

"Thank you, Gilderoy" Dumbledore said.

Everyone followed him. They all arrived in Lockhart's office.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her — probably the Transmogrifian Torture — I've seen it used many times, so unlucky I wasn't there, I know the very countercurse that would have saved her..." Lockhart spoke.

"She's not dead, Argus," Dumbledore said softly. "She has been Petrified. But how, I cannot say..."

"Ask him!" Filch shrieked, turning to Harry.

"No second year or first year could have done this," Dumbledore said firmly. "It would take Dark Magic of the most advanced —"

"He did it, he did it!" Filch spat. "You saw what he wrote on the wall! He found — in my office — he knows I'm a — I'm a —"

"I never touched Mrs. Norris! And I don't even know what a Squib is." Harry said sincerely.

"Rubbish!" Filch snarled. "He saw my Kwikspell letter!"

"If I might speak, Headmaster," Snape spoke. "Potter and his friends may have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. But we do have a set of suspicious circumstances here. Why was he in the upstairs corridor at all? Why wasn't he at the Halloween feast? Why don't you explain, Grace."

"I don't know where they were... When Astoria and I left the Great Hall, we found the three of them in the hall." Grace explained.

"... there were hundreds of ghosts, they'll tell you we were there —" Harry, Ron, and Hermione started explaining.

"But why not join the feast afterward? Why go up to that corridor?" Snape asked.

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry. "Because — because —" Harry started. "because we were tired and wanted to go to bed,"

"Without any supper? I didn't think ghosts provided food fit for living people at their parties." Snape said.

"We weren't hungry" Ron said loudly.

"I suggest, Headmaster, that Potter is not being entirely truthful," Snape said. "It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. I personally feel he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he is ready to be honest."

"Really, Severus," Professor McGonagall said sharply. "I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. This cat wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong."

"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," Dumbledore said firmly.

"My cat has been Petrified!" Filch shrieked. "I want to see some punishment!"

"We will be able to cure her, Argus," Dumbledore said patiently. "Professor Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. As soon as they have reached their full size, I will have a potion made that will revive Mrs. Norris."

"I'll make it," Lockhart butted in. "I must have done it a hundred times. I could whip up a Mandrake Restorative Draught in my sleep —"

"Excuse me," Snape said icily. "But I believe I am the Potions master at this school."

"You may go," Dumbledore told the students. "Minerva, please take Mr. Potter, Miss Granger, and Mr. Weasley to Gryffindor's Common Room. Severus, please take Miss Greengrass and Miss Snape to Slytherin's Common Room. I'll be waiting here so we can have a talk."

Minerva left with the three of them, followed by Snape with the two girls. The walk to the Common Room was silent; when they got there, Snape let Astoria into the Common Room, but prevented Grace from entering.

"Hold on, young lady. We need to talk." Snape said and, taking Grace by the shoulder, led her to his office. The two walked in, and he began to speak. "What were you doing with Potter, Granger, and Weasley?" he asked.

"Astoria and I had just finished dinner and wanted to get back to the common room to finish our homework, so we ran into them in the corridor. That's all, Dad." Grace answered.

"I don't want you hanging around with those three too much, and Weasley... He seems to be as much trouble as his brothers." Snape said.

"Sorry, Dad. You can't forbid me to hang out with my friends. Besides, Harry's my brother, I'm not going to stay away from him, no matter how much you hate him." Grace said.

"I just want to say that those three already caused a lot of problems last year, and probably will this year. I don't want you to take risks or lose House points like them."

"I won't risk myself. The trouble they caused last year saved the school and Gryffindor ended up winning the House Cup. Don't you want Slytherin to win this year?"

"Of course I want to. I just don't want you to risk yourself for it. You'd better get back, Dumbledore's waiting for me." Snape said.

Grace went back to the Common Room and Snape went back to Lockhart's office.

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