Hogwarts letter

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Spinner's End, England, July 1, 1992

Grace Lily Snape woke up early. She was looking forward to receiving her letter from Hogwarts and every day she woke up early to make sure there wasn't a letter addressed to her. Grace went downstairs to the kitchen, where her father was already up making breakfast.

"I want my letter to arrive soon! Then we can go to Diagon Alley to buy my school supplies!" Grace said.

"Be patient, dear. Your letter will arrive." Snape spoke.

The two of them had breakfast. While Grace was anxiously eating, an owl landed in front of her. Severus just watched, smiling at his daughter's anxiety. Grace took the letter from the owl, opened it and read it aloud, "Dear Miss Snape, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Terms begins on September 1. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall." Grace gasped. "Dad, I'm officially a Hogwarts student!"

"Congratulations, honey. Finish your breakfast and then we can go to Diagon Alley and buy your things." Snape told her.

Grace ate everything as fast as she could, she ran to her room to change her clothes, and then took her father's hand and they both apparated in Diagon Alley. They got there, Grace was extremely excited.

"Let's buy your uniform first. Maybe you'll go to Madame Malkin's and I'll buy your books, then I'll come back and pay for your uniform." Severus suggested.

"Okay!" Grace said. Snape left to go buy her books in Flourish and Blotts while Grace went to Madam Malkin."

"Come in, dear!" Madam Malkin said and Grace walked in. There was a girl there already, she looked close to Grace's age. She had dark hair, pale skin, and blue eyes, she was trying out some clothes when she saw Grace coming in.

"Hello, is this your first year at Hogwarts too?" the girl asked Grace.

"Yes! I'm Grace Snape!" Grace introduced herself.

"And I'm Astoria Greengrass! It's nice meeting you!" the girl said, and they both shook hands.

"Sweetheart, will you want all the uniforms listed?" Madam Malkin asked Grace.

"Yes, please." Grace said politely.

Grace tried on and sorted the uniforms that were her size when she saw Snape enter the shop, already carrying her books. Astoria was leaving.

"Later, Grace! See you on September 1st!" the girl said and then she left the store.

Snape paid for Grace's uniform and the two of them left the shop.

"Is she your new friend?" he asked his daughter.

"Yes. She also a first year. We've met at the store." Grace told her father.

"And what's her name?" Severus asked.

"Astoria Greengrass."

"Oh, I know her sister, Daphne, she's in the same year as Potter." he said.

"What are we going to buy now?" Grace asked.

"Let's buy your wand." Severus said.

They both walked in Ollivanders.

"Miss Snape! I've been expecting you. It seems like yesterday that your parents and brother came to buy their wands. Ollivander said. "Mr Snape." Ollivander greeted.

"Let's see which wand is best for you." he said, taking a measuring tape. "Which arm will you hold the wand?"

"I'm right-handed." Grace told him.

"Very well." he said. Ollivander went to the back of the store looking for wands. He later brought two of them. "Let's try this first, the same core of your father's wand, dragon heartstrings."

Grace picked up her wand, waved it around and was startled to break a vase of flowers.

"Definitely not. How about this one?" he handed her another wand, just when Grace took the wand, she felt something strange, and luminous sparks came out out of the wand. "Perfect! The wand chose you, Miss Snape, unicorn tail hairs, the same core as your mother's."

When he told her that Snape thought about Lily. He then payed for the wand and they both went back home.

Spinner's End, England, August 10, 1992

Grace woke up. As soon as she got out of bed, she remembered. It was her eleventh birthday! She went excitedly downstairs to the kitchen, where Snape was always waiting for her with breakfast.

"Happy Birthday, love!" Snape said to his daughter. He couldn't believe that the girl was already turning 11 and that it would be her first year at Hogwarts.

The two hugged tightly.

"I have a present for you." Snape said, and went to fetch the present he had bought for his daughter. When he returned, he was carrying a beautiful black owl. "Happy birthday, Grace! What do you want to name her?"

"Lyra. I read in an astronomy book that it's a constellation."

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