Christmas at Hogwarts

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It had been a while since Grace had given Hermione the ingredients and the incident at the Dueling Club had occurred, and now people thought more than ever that Harry Potter was Salazar Slytherin's heir. Christmas was coming, and most of the students were returning home to celebrate with their families. Grace knew she would be staying at school, there was no other family for her to spend Christmas with than Snape. It was a weekend, in the common room of her House, and her five friends were gathered together.

"Are any of you spending Christmas at Hogwarts?" Grace asked, hoping at least one of her friends would spend Christmas with her. "I wouldn't have anywhere else to go since my father is a teacher, so I'll stay at school."

"Daphne and I are going home for the Christmas holidays, I'm sorry, Grace." Astoria answered.

"Selina and I are going home too." Melia said.

"Ella and I are going home too, I'm sorry." Megan said.

"All right, you're away from your families, I understand that you want to spend Christmas with them. After all, my father is already here, I don't have any other family to visit." Grace said, even though she thought it would be nice to spend Christmas at the Tonks' house. "And I think Ginny will be here too, so I won't be completely alone."

A few days later, all the students who would be spending Christmas with their families left. The only Slytherins who stayed at school were Grace, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. After the attack on Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, there were more victims. Justin Finch-Fletchley, the Hufflepuff boy who was almost attacked by the snake at the Dueling Club and the Gryffindor ghost.

Slytherin Common Room, Hogwarts, December 25, 1992.

It was Christmas morning. Grace had the dormitory to herself now that the other four girls had gone home. She woke up, got dressed and as she was going down the stairs to the common room, she heard some laughter and chatter, obviously from Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, the only Slytherin students who would be staying at the school. Draco saw Grace coming down the stairs.

"What's up, Grace? Merry Christmas. Crabbe, Goyle and I were opening our presents. You got some too." Grace walked over to Draco, who was holding one of her presents.

"Merry Christmas to you too." Grace said, happy that it was Christmas, but still sleepy.

Grace opened Harry's present first. A Sneakoscope. Then she went to open the other two presents addressed to her that were nearby. Ron's, chocolate frogs, and Hermione's, a diary for writing down homework. Grace read the note between the three presents.

Dear Grace,

I think it will be very useful to have a Sneakoscope as you're from Slytherin, Ron and Hermione helped me choose. You'll be able to tell when you're near any Dark Arts objects. Ron finds the chocolate frog cards really interesting and would like to swap them with you if he wins any repeats. Hermione told me that the diary is magical and will remind you when you have homework to do.

With love, Harry.

Grace had three more presents to open. She picked up the nearest present. Grace smiled as soon as she saw that the present was from Zonko's. Inside the box, there were Dungbombs, Exploding Snap, Hiccough Sweets, Stinky Pellets and Belch Powder. And inside there was also a note:

I miss you a lot! Use this wisely and tell me everything after you use it. - N.T.

Grace soon realised that the present had come from Nymphadora, and loved the box with all kinds of mischief that Snape and Andromeda wouldn't give her. The other present she opened was a necklace with a lily pendant. Grace opened the note that came with it.

When we saw this necklace in the shop, we immediately thought of you. We thought you'd like something that reminds you of your mother. We hope you like it! - A. and E. T.

The present was from Andromeda and Edward Tonks. Finally, Grace spotted a beautiful, elegant box addressed to her. When she opened it, she screamed with happiness, making Draco, Crabbe and Goyle stop paying attention to their presents.

"What is it?" Draco asked her.

"I got a Wizard's Chess! I've always wanted one!" Grace said excitedly.

Draco went to see her present. "That's one of the good ones. Who gave it to you?"

Grace read the note. "My father!"

"Cool, if you want we can play later." Draco said.

"Of course. Draco, can you help me? Put this necklace on for me, I can't close it."

Draco took the necklace, wrapped it around Grace's neck and put it on.

"Thank you!" Grace said.

Grace put her presents in her suitcase and ate some chocolate frogs for breakfast.

"Wouldn't you like some cake too? I don't think chocolate frogs are a good breakfast... Mum always sends me cake." Draco said.

"Thank you." Grace thanked him and sat down by the fire and ate the cake with the three of them.

Later, it was time for Christmas lunch. Grace, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle went together to the Great Hall. It was magnificent. There were dozens of Christmas trees covered in ice crystals. Dumbledore led a chorus of some of his favourite Christmas songs. The teachers were all sitting round the table. And the few students who remained at the school were already in the hall. From Gryffindor, there were all the Weasleys plus Harry and Hermione. The four of them went to the Slytherin table, sat down and began to eat. When Grace entered the hall, she noticed that her father didn't look away from her, probably because he was surprised by who she was walking with.

"After lunch we could go back to the room and play Wizard's Chess, what do you think?" Draco asked her.

"Cool." Crabbe and Goyle answered.

"I wasn't talking to you idiots... What do you think, Grace?"

"Great idea."

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