Quidditch match canceled

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It was a Saturday, the day of the Quidditch match. The match was to be Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor. Grace was on the pitch, in the stands along with several Slytherin students including her roommates, where there was a huge cheer for Hufflepuff. The teams took to the pitch to thunderous applause. Madam Hooch threw the balls. The Hufflepuff players discussed last-minute tactics. Grace realised that Harry was about to mount his broom when Professor Minerva came running with a megaphone in her hand.

"This match has been canceled," The teacher announced on the megaphone, addressing the stadium. Many people booed and shouted.

Oliver Wood landed and ran towards Minerva. "But, Professor!" he shouted. "We've got to play — the Cup — Gryffindor —"

She ignored him and continued to shout through the megaphone. "All students are to make their way back to the House common rooms, where their Heads of Houses will give them further information. As quickly as you can, please!"

Grace came down from the stands with her friends, Astoria, Megan, Ella and Melia. She noticed that when McGonagall finished speaking into the megaphone, she, Ron and Harry hurried off the pitch. Everyone from Slytherin went down to the dungeons and into the common room, waiting for Snape, who must have been checking to see if any students were missing.

When he saw that all the Slytherin students were waiting anxiously and at the same time angrily in the common room, Snape decided to explain what had happened.

"Silence!" Snape said. "Earlier today another student was petrified. Because of this, all trips to Hogsmeade have been cancelled and until the attacks stop, Quidditch matches will not take place. All students must return to the common room by six o'clock in the evening. No students are to leave the dormitories after that time. A teacher will accompany you to each lesson. No student is to use the bathroom unless escorted by a teacher. There will be no more evening activities."

"Professor, who has been petrified this time?" Daphne Greengrass asked.

"Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor, and Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw." Snape informed.

"We are not in danger! This thing that has been attacking the school is only targeting mudbloods! No pure-blood or half-blood has been attacked yet!" Marcus Flint, captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, said.

"You know very well that I won't tolerate any of you insolent people saying that word, Flint! Detention with me tomorrow." Snape said.

All the students returned to their daily activities in the common room. Grace went over to Snape.

"Dad... I mean, Professor, can I go to the Hospital Wing?" Grace asked.

"Are you ill or something?" Snape asked.

"No, but I'd like to visit Hermione, she's my friend..." Grace replied.

"No. The students have to stay in the common room and can only leave if accompanied by a teacher." Snape said.

"Please, you can come with me." Grace said.

"I have to be in the headmaster's office soon, I can't let you go back to the dorm alone." Snape replied.

"Astoria can go with me, and then we'll come back together." Grace said, and began to make the face she always made when she wanted to ask her father something.

"All right, let's go. Miss Farkley, don't let any students leave the common room while I'm gone." Snape said to one of the Slytherin prefects.

Grace and Astoria left the common room and followed Snape to the Hospital Wing. They stopped at the door.

"Don't come back too late and don't split up. I have to go to the headmaster's office with the other teachers." Snape said and left.

The two entered the Hospital Wing. Around the bed where Hermione lay were Ron and Harry. The two girls ran to the bed.

"How did that happen?" Grace asked.

"They found her in the library." Harry replied.

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