Polyjuice potion

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After leaving the hospital wing, Grace returned to the Slytherin Common Room thoughtfully, trying to find a way to get the potion's ingredients. First, the easiest ingredients. Grace entered the common room, where the four girls were waiting for her.

"How is your brother?" Astoria asked.

"He'll be fine, but he'll have to spend the night in the hospital ward until his bones grow back." Grace answered. "I need to talk to all of you. Let's go to the dormitory."

The five girls went up to their dormitory.

"We all know that the Chamber of Secrets being open is not good. But I've found a way to try and fix it." Grace said.

"How?" they all asked.

"My brother and his friends are thinking that Draco could be the Slytherin heir. I said it couldn't be possible, but I'm beginning to think it can. They want to use the Polyjuice potion to try and talk to Draco."

"This potion is very difficult for second year students!" Ella gasped.

"Won't we take too many risks and lose points for our House?" Megan asked.

"My role in this plan involves no risks. Last year they broke practically every school rule and even won the House Cup." Grace said.

"And what would your part of the plan be and how could we help you?" Melia asked.

"They need a few ingredients to make the potion, I'll have to get them in the private stores in Potions classroom."

"You'll be stealing from your father?" Astoria asked fearfully.

"This will be the hardest part of my plan, but I'll get the ingredients, I don't want to involve you in this."

"What do we need to do?" Ella asked.

"One of the ingredients is something of the person they intend to turn into. We need strands of hair from Crabbe and Goyle. One person will be enough to get the strands, just make them both eat something that will put them to sleep. Melia, you can do it."

"Okay." Melia answered.

"I need two girls to get into Crabbe and Goyle's dorm without anyone seeing. One takes their uniforms and the other guards the entrance to the dormitory. Megan, Ella, I think you can do it."

"Alright." They both said.

"And lastly, when I go to collect the ingredients from the potions room, I need someone to guard the entrance too. Astoria, can you do that?" Grace asked.

"Yes I can." she answered.

"Tomorrow morning, Melia, you pick up the strands of hair, and after everyone has left the dormitory, Megan and Ella can come in. Astoria and I will do our part of the plan today, it can't be during lessons and it has to be when my dad isn't in the room."

The girls went to dinner. Grace was nervous. Astoria and Grace ate quickly and left first. When they got to the dungeons, Astoria stood outside the potions room, but in a way that didn't look so suspicious.

Grace had written down on a paper that was in her pocket the ingredients she needed to get. "Fluxweed, Knotgrass, Leeches, Horn of Bicorn, Boomslang skin, Lacewing flies."

Grace managed to get all the ingredients she needed. She put them all in a small bag and hurried out of the room, dragging Astoria as she passed.

"You'll hand them the ingredients now?" Astoria asked.

"No, I'll give it to Hermione tomorrow morning. Take the bag and go to the common room, my father wants me to wait for him here as usual." Grace said.

Astoria returned to the common room. Grace sat down in the chair she always sat in when she was waiting for her father. She would have to lie to him very well. Some time later, Snape entered the room.

"May I ask why you left dinner so early?" Snape asked her.

"I wasn't very hungry... I wasn't feeling very well either..." Grace explained herself.

"What happened?" he asked her.

"Nothing, just a headache I guess... but nothing like a good night of sleep won't get better." Grace said, not even for a second looking into her father's eyes.

"Grace, I care about you, you know that. I try to be a good father, I try very hard, but deep down I know that you also need a mother figure, every girl needs a mother. As a father, I'd like you to tell me what's going on, but if you need to talk to someone and don't feel comfortable coming to see me, I'll understand if you want to talk to Andromeda or Nymphadora."

"Okay, dad." Grace said. They both hugged and then Grace went back to her dorm.

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