Ministry of Magic

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What to Harry and Luna seemed easy, to the others was almost impossible. The others, since they had never witnessed anyone's death, couldn't see the thestrals.

Everyone was staring at Harry.

"What?" he said.

"How're we supposed to get on?" Grace said faintly. "When we can't see the things?"

"Oh it's easy," Luna said, sliding obligingly from her thestral and marching over to Grace and the others. "Come here..."

She pulled them over to the other thestrals standing around and one by one managed to help them onto the backs of their mounts.

"This is mad," Ron said faintly. "Mad... if I could just see it —"

"You'd better hope it stays invisible," Harry said darkly. "We all ready, then?"

Everyone nodded.

"Ministry of Magic, visitors' entrance, London, then," Harry said. "Er... if you know... where to go..."

For a moment his thestral did nothing at all, but soon after it went up like a rocket. Shortly after, the others did the same thing.

They flew over the grounds of Hogwarts, past Hogsmeade. As they passed over the towns and it became dark, little lights could be seen below.

Some time later Grace noticed that everyone was decreasing in height, until they landed.

"Never again," Ron said, struggling to his feet. "Never, ever again... that was the worst —"

"Where do we go from here, then?" Luna asked Harry.

"Over here," he said. "Come on!" he urged to the others.

Harry led everyone into the telephone box. Everyone miraculously managed to get into the box.

"Whoever's nearest the receiver, dial six two four four two!" he said.

Grace, who was closest, was the one who dialed. A woman's voice echoed through the box.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

"Harry Potter, Grace Snape, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger," he said very quickly. "Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood... We're here to save someone, unless your Ministry can do it first!"

"Thank you," said the female voice. "Visitors, please take the badges and attach them to the front of your robes."

Half a dozen badges slid out of the metal chute where returned coins usually appeared. Grace glanced at her badge.


"Visitor to the Ministry, you are required to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk, which is located at the far end of the Atrium."

"Fine!" Harry said loudly. "Now can we move?"

As the box descended like an elevator, they arrived at the Ministry.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a pleasant evening," the woman's voice said.

And then the telephone box door opened and everyone came out.

"Come on," Harry said quietly.

Everyone went to the table where the security man was supposed to be. Then they all followed Harry to one of the elevators.

A few seconds later the cool voice of the same woman echoed "Department of Mysteries."

Everyone got out of the elevator.

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