The new D.A.

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The school year for Grace didn't start very well with the conversation with Severus. This year, like any other year, Grace would get exemplary grades, and most likely most of the other students would try harder, since no one would want to earn detention or any other punishment from the teachers this year.

"We need to act." Gina spoke, on a day when Grace, Ginny, Neville and Luna were on break walking around the Hogwarts grounds.

"How?" Neville asked.

Grace looked at Ginny. "You want to bring D.A. back, don't you?"

"We have to do something. Alecto tried to lock me up with a Dementor after I argued with her in the Muggle Studies class, good thing I had my wand. Neville, the other day when you refused to practice the Cruciatus Curse on Seamus, Amycus used the curse on you as punishment. Luna, yesterday Alecto physically assaulted you just because you read "The Quibbler". Grace, you are actually the only one of us not to have received any kind of punishment so far, I wonder if this has something to do with Snape..." Ginny said.

"I have done my best not to receive any kind of punishment. As much as I want to, I make sure I don't say anything that the teachers don't like during class. Honestly, after the conversation I had with Snape, I don't think he had anything to do with it." Grace said.

"So let's reopen the D.A.?" Luna asked.

"Let's do it." Ginny nodded.

"And who will be the leader? Harry was our leader before, without him..." Neville began speaking.

"The four of us. We will lead the D.A. together." Grace interrupted him.

"How are we going to spread the word to others?" Neville asked.

"I can talk to a few people from Slytherin that I know would participate, Ginny, Neville, you are in charge of the Gryffindor students, while Luna talks to the Ravenclaws." Grace suggested.

" And at night we can sneak out, write notes on the walls, warning that D.A. will soon be back." Ginny said.

And then the quartet's plan was formed. They could not lose hope even without Harry, Ron and Hermione. They would have to act alone this time.

On the first night everyone left after hours, Ginny and Neville were in charge of running errands on the seventh floor (Gryffindor's Common Room, Divination classroom, and Astronomy Tower), fifth floor (Prefect's restroom, Music classroom, and the Muggle Studies classroom), and third floor (trophy room and Defense Againt the Dark Arts classroom). Luna was in charge of the sixth floor (Arithmancy classroom, Ancient Runes classroom, and Ravenclaw Common Room), the fourth floor (which had no rooms, it was just a hallway) and the second floor (Charms classroom, and Myrtle's bathroom). Grace was in charge of the Dungeons (Slytherin Common Room, Potions lasscroom and Filch's room), first floor (Entrance Hall and Great Hall) and the second floor (History of Magic classroom and Transfiguration classroom).

Everywhere they went, each one wrote on the walls 'Dumbledore's Army, recruiting new members'.

Over the next few days, several students talked to the four of them about wanting to join D.A. , but since the two most well-known leaders were Ginny and Grace, people ended up talking more to them than to Neville and Luna.

The majority of people interested was not much of a surprise to the four of them.

From Slytherin, Astoria, Ella, Melia and Megan, plus Harper Cram, Simon Dedworth and Alex Sykes, from Draco's year, Blaise, Daphne and Tracey Davis. From fifth year there were four students, from fourth year three, from third year one, and no students from first and second year.

From Gryffindor, Seamus, Parvati and Lavender, from Grace's year all the students, from the fifth year all the students as well, from the fourth Dennis Creevey and three more students, from the third two students and from the second one, no one from the first year.

From Hufflepuff, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones and Ernest Macmillan from Harry's year, from the sixth year all the students, adding the fifth, fourth and third year were eight more students.

And from Ravenclaw, Padma, Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot from seventh year, plus three students from sixth year, and adding fifth and fourth there were nine students.

Dumbledore's Army has never had so many participants.

D.A. no longer had the same purpose as when it was created, to help other students learn how to defend themselves. The two main purposes were to encourage the group participants to rebel against the teachers (who were really just Amycus and Alecto Carrow) and the headmaster, and also to help students who gained detention, since the punishments were now brutal.

After defending a first year Hufflepuff student from a Cruciatus Curse cast by Alecto Carrow, and still suffering physical punishment for it, Grace decided that D.A. should take a slightly more radical attitude. After a talk with Neville, Luna and Ginny, the four of them, along with all the other members of D.A. , gathered their things, stopped going to classes and all went to "live" in the Room of Requirement.

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