Chapter 7 ~ Mario

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"Well, well kids. I'm still not sure about my decision, but you three will be sleeping in the same room. I rely on your brains to not do anything stupid. Understood?" Bastian says with a half sarcastic half serious face

"Bastian, please. We don't know each other that well and come on. Do we seem like the persons to do that? I'll even sleep with my bra on if that makes you feel better." Jill says cheekily

Marco chuckles and Mario follows his lead.

"Jill please, you know I was mostly talking to the two gentleman here."

"Bastian, it's my first time in your house, your sis is a friend of mine who's going on a date with my loveable fella here. Why would I do so?" Bastian sighs at this answer, looking desprate for some respect

"I won't do such thing Bastian, really. I'll keep an eye on these two." Jill and Marco are looking at Mario as if he has betrayed them

"Thank you Mario. Don't give Mario that look you two, he's showing some respect towards me, unlike you two."
Bastian says proudly

"He sure does like you." Jill whispers towards Mario who starts blushing at the little Schweini being so close. He likes being around her.

"Well, let's go to bed you all. It's late." Bastian says way to enthousiastic

The three youngsters decide Jill can take the bathroom for herself and the boys will go after her. Surprisingly, Jill doesn't take that much time to change into her nightwear, bursh her teeth etc. Meanwhile, Marco and Mario have put 3 matrasses next to each other on the ground. Jill in the middle, Marco at right and Mario at the left side.

"Bastian will think weird things if he comes checking on us, but hey, we aren't doing anything weird. Oh wait, I'm not doing anything weird" Marco says with a huge grin on his face. Mario flushes red until Marco gets a pillow on top speed against his head. Mario laughs his ass off

"Hahahaha, I guess she disagrees man." Mario says while he winks to Jill.

When Marco gets up, he slowly walks to Jill, who is smiling proudly, and suddenly throws her onto the matrasses. While doing that, his shirt gets up and Mario can see scars on Marco's upper arm near his armpit. He's shocked, he didn't know his friend was a self-harmer..

When Mario and Marco go into the bathroom Mario has to ask,
"Marco, are you a selfharmer?"

"W-what? How?" Marco looks scared and confused at the same time

"I saw the scars near your armpit while you where throwing Jill. Do you have any other scars babe?" Mario doesn't sound angry, only concerned. He loves Marco to much to be able to see him do this to himself

"No.. There are no other scars. And I'm so sorry sunny. it's just... I couldn't take it anymore. You got sold to Bayern like Lewa and I was a leftover, everybody called you a Traitor, I got injured again and again. It just bacame too much. Simply too much. I'm so sorry.."

"H-how lomg has it been since your last cut?" Mario looks hopefully to Marco. Begging that he'll say somethibg like a long time ago

"It has been 2 weeks. I don't know babe, it's just I got feelings I don't know how to deal with and there was nobody I could talk with and I hope you can forgive me. I won't do it again. The guilt I felt after I did it was even worse than the things I felt and thought before I did it" Marco says while the tears start to drop on the floor. As in an impulse Mario cups the taller blond's face and kisses him softly on the lips. After a couple seconds they both back-off.

"I'm so sorry Marco, it was an impulse.." Marco smirks at Mario's confused look

"Well it felt so sweet, comforting, meant to happen. Don't worry about it buddy I would kiss you again if I could." Marco says winking

"I always doubted if you where really straight." Mario says sarcasticly

Suddenly the two Germans hear a knock on the door,
"Will the old ladies please hurry up? I'm getting lonely here."

"Yeah we will, don't worry." They brush there teeth at the speed of lightning. Before Mario gets the chance to walk to the bathroomdoor, Marco stops him and kisses him quikly.

"I just wanted to feel that one more time." Marco whispers

Mario loves the feeling of Marco's lips, but he fell for Jill right?

Mario keeps struggeling with all his feelings. The kiss with Marco felt like the best thing ever, but would he hurt Jill? Mario knows she loves him, but that he also loves Marco. He told her that so she'd know if things would get weird or clingy. This would be a fun weekend, but it's already mindfucking Mario like he had never expected.

Traitor?//Marco Reus & Mario GötzeWhere stories live. Discover now