Chapter 13 ~ Erik

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After watching Mama Mia and singing along with all the songs, Jill and Erik are pretty tired. Erik picks Jill up in bridal style again and carries her to the bedroom. She starts kissing his neck and whispers
"Can I sleep next to you tonight?"

"Ofcourse babe." Erik says as he opens the bedroomdoor. Jill gasps, Erik has placed little candles around the bed.

"That's so cute. Is this for me?" Jill asks

"No I do this every night, causing I won't feel so lonely. Ofcourse it's for you!" Erik says giggling.

"I love your laughter" Jill says.
Erik lays her down onto the bed and hangs on top of her. He carefully leans down, scared to remind her of what happened with Mario and Marco, but Jill puts her hands on his cheeks and pulls him down until their lips touch in a soft, warm and sweet kiss. Erik is a bit to careful and Jill asks
"Is this your first kiss Erik?"

"Y-yes." Erik says flushing red

"I can't believe I'm the first, but this is my first kiss too." and Erik leans in again, knowing it's alright and she won't judge him. They keep kissing, slowly getting more rough and at some point Erik gains enough confidence let his tongue slide into Jill's mouth. At first it feels a bit weird, but it gets more intense with the second. Erik is now completly on top of Jill. She has folded her arms around Erik so she can sit up high enough to keep kissing.

After a while the two decide they want to go to sleep. They turn into their pj's which for Erik isn't more than his boxers and sweatpants. They lay down underneath the blankets with Jill snuggeling into Erik's bare and muscular chest. Erik kisses Jill's head and lays his hand on her hip.
"Babe," Erik whispers "I feel like a king being able to kiss such a beautiful girl, but would you like being my queen? We'll go on dates and everything, but it feels so right and I want to keep you for myself you know."

"Ofcourse, I'd love to. You're so sweet Erik. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my first boyfriend. And I'd love to go on a date with you." She says while kissing his nose

"It's so inbelievable that I'm the first you know. You're so beautiful and such a nice person. Boys have been missing out on you." Erik says stroking Jill's hair
They kiss each other good night after a little more talking and fall asleep against each other.

The next morning Erik silently leave the bed and makes Jill breakfast. All he can think of is how lucky he is for dating a girl this pretty.
Jill's eyes sparkle when Erik wakes her up for breakfast. She borrows some sport shorts and a shirt from Erik. She puts her long brown hairs into a ponytail and they leave to the stadion.
They arrive at the same time as Ciro Immobile, who instantly hugs Erik and after explaining a few things to Ciro, he also hugs Jill.

"I already thought Marco was acting weird with you last training, but after what he's done with Mario I'm so happy you got to Erik's. He's such a sweety, but girls who claim to love him are faker than fake and you're such a pretty and down to earth young woman." Ciro says while hugging her

The three walk onto the field in one line with Jill in the middle and Erik's arm around her waist. A few players were even earlier than the three and run towards Jill and Erik with thousands of questions. People are very nice and celebrate the couple until Marco and Mario show up.

Ever since Marco has been a bitch to Erik, he tried to stay calm and don't do the same back. That'd only make things worse, but Marco is being so inreasonable that it starts to irritate Erik. During the training they stay away and Erik is able to train with his friends who are in love with Jill amd her positive energy.

Erik knows Marco will probably want to talk to Jill and tell her he's bad for her or anything. He told her how he is in the car and she already knew the story about why Marco is being such a peasant, but they decided Mario had to know too. Marco left them with the expatation that Mario would follow, which he did, but Erik saw Mario'd love to train with Jill too.

After the training, when Marco wants to talk to Jill, Erik talks to Mario.
"You don't have to follow him, I saw how you wanted to join Jill." Erik says as soon as Marco and Jill are out of reach

"I know, but he was so embarrased. I think it would have been too much if I had left him too. I don't understand why he hates you this much for the things that happened, but I like you Erik. And I know you're going to be just perfect for Jill. I should have seen that spark in her too, but I'm now happy with Marco."

"I respect your choice Mario, but the way things turned out is what pisses me off. I know it wasn't on purpose, but she was so broken when she stepped out that evelator. It broke my heart to see her like that." Erik says emotionally

"I know, and I had already chosen for Marco and wanted to tell her in a normal way, but Marco crashed his lips on mine and I couldn't resist. Then she walked in.. I was heartbroken too when she left in that cab. I wanted to say sorry so many times, hug her tight and tell her it had nothing to do with her, but I just couldn't. I'm sure you'll take care of her perfectly fine and I'd love to stop by sometimes."

"You're always welcome Mario. I'm sure she'd love to stay friends too. There they are. I'll talk to you later Mario. It was nice to have a little chat." Erik says. Mario nods and they shake hands before they hug their lovers.

A/N second chapter today for my absence X

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