Chapter 19 ~ Mario

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As Marco closes the door behind Mario, Mario realises how much of a mess he has made. He has to admit the sex with Mitchell was great.. They both had their turns 'on top' and Mitchell wasn't as intimidating or dirty as Marco. He was loving and just sweet as fuck, literally, but he still loves Marco... right?

Mario called a cab and asked the driver to go to the hotel where the rest of his team is staying. As soon as they got there Mario went to captain Philipp Lahm's room.
"Philipp I need your help, I messed up, but I don't know what to do."

"What happened? I'll try to help, but I can't promise I'll be able to." Philipp replies calmly, but also a bit of curiousity comes through.

"Well, as you know I'm with Marco, which is still great I guess, but yesterday... I cheated on him with Mitchell Langerak. Mitchell was great, loving instead of dominant and sweet instead of intimidating, but I thought Marco was the one, and I've hurt him really bad. Mitchell's also leaving to Stuttgart and I just don't know what to do..."

"Holy shit you really did make a mess. Uhm, well lets get this straight, do you 'love' Mitchell, or was it more like a onenightstand feeling?"

"Well, I think I actually have feelings for him. The spark that we had when we kissed was just, insane. I've never felt like that before."

"But do you feel as great and special as you do with Marco?"

"Well that's the tricky part. He's so diffrent. I do not know that much about him, I mean we've been teammates and we've hung out a couple of times, but there defenitly needs to be some bonding if I'm going for a relationship with him."

"Hmhmm I see. Well, Stuttgart is a lot closer to München than Dortmund so that's a plus." Philipp says joking
"But think this through, see what happens tomorrow and make up your mind then. Do you have a place to stay? You can stay here if you want?"

"Thanks Fipps, but I'm waiting for a response of someone who I've asked if I could stay with him, but I'll come back if that's not possible, is that okay? I'll text you."

"That's okay. Stay safe Götze."

"Thank you Philipp! And I sure will."

As Mario sits down in the lobby of the hotel he receives 2 texts, from: Marcinho~ and {Mitch}. He decides to open Marco's first, bad news first...
*Marcinho~: You forgot your footballshoes. I'll leave them in your teams lockerroom. Locker 10. x*

Mario feels bad while reading this. Marco still cares enough to take his footballshoes to the stadium instead of making him come to his house again. But Marco always uses more than one simple 'x' at the end with Mario..
He gently replies with:
*thanks, I'll see you tomorrow* He's thinking about putting an 'x' on the end, but now's not really the time to do that.

The he opens Mitchell's text
*{Mitch}: Hey gorgeous, ofcourse you can stay at my place! I'll make you dinner and then we can talk properly. About, if you'd want to continue with me (which I'd love), but you do have Marco and I do and will respect that. I know I'm the one ruining your relationship and I know he will kill me at some point.  •.•'  but this text goes way too deep, sorry hahaXo* 'Ahwe, he's such a sweetheart!' Mario thinks and replies with:

*haha ahwe thankyouu handsome! I still need to figure things out, but I'll be on my way then. See you in a bit Xxx*

As Mario puts his phone back in his pocket, he forgets to look where he's going and in the moment he lifts his head to see where he is he hears breaks slamming and before he can see if he's alright, he gets hit by a car. Mario flies across the road and smacks down on the asphalt with his head hitting the ground first. At first Mario feels a shot of pain but passes out right after that. The driver of the car that hit Mario parks his car quickly and jumps out. Get gets Mario to the side of the road and calls an ambulance. The man said this was about Mario Götze since he recognised him. The tv-people are at the scene even faster than the ambulance and start making videos and taking pictures.

As the ambulance arrives, the tv-people from the news go live and start to talk about what they think has happened. They try to ask the man who hit Mario and called the ambulance some questions but he ignores them and tries to help the boys from the ambulance with Mario.

As they're on their way to the hospital, Mario's phone buzzes and the man decides to look who contacted the famous footballer to see the name {Mitch} appear on the screen *{Mitch: Sweetheart, where are you? It shouldn't take this long to come to my house right? Is everything okay??? Xx* The man thinks it's smart to call this person since Mario's contactpersons live in München and that's too far away. He swipes the name on the screen and the phone starts calling
"Hey Mario where are you??"
"Uhm I'm sorry to say so, but Mario can not talk to you at the moment. He got hit by a car and is now on his way to the hospital, please come as fast as possible, I'll tell you what happened at the hospital."
"Scheiße! I'll be on my way!"

As the ambulance arrives at the hospital, Marco's car is already there.
As the ambulance-boys are getting Mario on a hospitalbed  the man talkes to Marco.
"Hi my name's Marco Reus, I'm his boyfriend."

"Are you the one that I called then?"

"No that must have been Mitchell Langerak, long story, how is Mario, what happened?"

"It's all my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going, Mario was looking on his phone too, but I was drving too fast and couldn't stop in time, I'm so sorry."

At first Marco looks like he's going to punch the guy but then he says "It's okay, at least you stopped, called an ambulance and helped as much as you could. You should give me your personal information due the hospital costs and all. We'll share though,  it was my fault he was walking there without someone."
The man nodds and they walk inside

[4 hours later]

Mario has a light concussion caused by the way his head hit the asphalt. He also broke his left wrist, but luckily nothing really serious. He passed out from the shock of it all and he can wake up any moment. Mitchell is sitting next to his bed now, he and Marco switch every half an hour. Marco's standing in the corner of the room. Mitchell is almost studying Mario's face with the intensity he's looking at the 22 year old.

As if Mitchell has magic within his way of looking at people Mario slowly starts blinking and looks up to Mitchell. Mario smiles and while a tears escapes from the corner of his eye he and Mitchell kiss, but Mitchell looks guilty at Marco. As Mario feels that Langerak is distracted he follows his eyes and sees Marco now standing in the door.

"Marco, I-" He starts with a raspy voice

"It's okay Sunny.. The way you look at him. I just wish you could've looked at me that way." Marco says trying to hold back his tears

"But we don't know each other that well Marco, we need bonding you two don't,  I know I'm the one ruining this, but-" Langerak says trying to help Mario.

"Mitchell, it's okay. If he's happy with you, if he shows his cute little chipmunk cheeks as he laughs with you, you're good. Just help him as he gets out of hospital and care for him. The man who hit him and I have paid, don't worry about that. I just wanted to know you where save Sunny.
Mario sweetheart, goodbye, I hope we can stay friends..." Marco says and he looks like he wants to say something else but turns around and walks away.

Mario doesn't know what to feel. On one hand he's happy Marco understands, but he has just lost his brother. Did he give up on Götzeus too soon?

"Hey, you okay?" Mitchell asks wiping a tear off Mario's cheek. Mario smiles a little at the feeling of Mitch's fingers. So diffrent than Marco's, but Marco let him go to explore he should take this chance and not hurt Mitchell as well


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
The aussie starts to blush and nodds

"Ofcourse! And you can stay at my house as long as your team is here."

"Thankyou" Mario says kissing Langerak passionatly, but he can't help and feel a little sorry for Marco.. 'But he'll manage, right?'

Little did Mario know that that's where he went wrong..

Traitor?//Marco Reus & Mario GötzeWhere stories live. Discover now