Chapter 5~ Mario

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"Ann, what the hack are you doing here? What happened to you? You look horrible."

"Hmpf, I came back for you babe."

"I hope you remember that you are the one who ruined my life and our relationship?"

"No, that's a little harsh to say babe. We did it together, you broke up with me remember."

"Yeah, because of the things you did to me..." Mario gets a flashback of the things that happened between him and Ann. The thought of those things sends shivers down his spine and make that his hate for Ann grows. His flashback is about the last fight..

"M-Mario I didn't do it on purpose, I drank too much. He kept flirting with me and I think I was to far gone to protest, I swear I didn't want to hurt you!"

"Shut your mouth." Mario whispers

"What did you say sweetheart? Are you able to forgive me one more time?"

"I said shut your mouth! Let me tell my side of the story for just once! You always say it was because you drank too much, because your mind wasn't clear and more stupid reasons. You've betrayed me so many times and I'm such a fool for forgiving you every single time. You haven't got a single clue how much this does to me Ann! I've done selfharm because of this and when you found out the only thing you asked was if it was because of you. You didn't ask why, if I was okay and you don't have a single clue if still doing it. You always try to save your part of the story. Mine isn't important anymore. Since you went to that special shoot on Ibiza everything changed. At first I blamed myself. I used to be your everything so what did I do wrong?! The point was, I didn't do shit. It was the first bloody time you cheated on me."

"Mario, stop."

"Stop with what? Telling the truth?!"

"Stop with making this my fault! You're such a softy and cheating makes that you become suicidal, like what the hack. And you're never able to join me for a shoot, a-"

"WHAT. Never able to join you for a shoot. You know damn well I tried to be there as much as possible. And it's not normal to cheat in a relationship Ann! Yeah I'm a softy, you know that, so what?!" Mario doesn't know if he's about to slap Ann in the face or start crying.

"Mario, you're acting like you're a victim."

"You won't listen to the things I'm saying, will you?! I'm done with you Ann. I'm breaking up with you."

"But Mario! We can't break up!"

"Because you'll lose populairity? I don't give a shit."

"You do, and I know that." Mario doesn't respond, he's just looking at her trying to make her realize what she has done to him. She has done more than Mario wants to even think of. He tries so hard to leave it all behind, but moments like this break the wall he has build around those memories.

"Okey fine, I see. I know I've done horrible things and that I've been a bad girlfriend, but I love you Mario. I love you, truly, deeply and more than you can imagine." Mario shakes his head while smirking, he sighs.

"Ofcourse you love me Ann, you always say that when you're trying to save our realtionship, funny isn't it? Ofcourse this time you're saying it because you mean it, I know, I know. The thing is. I don't love you anymore Ann. I'll give you one hour to pack your stuff and then you're going to leave this house."

"What?! How is your tiny heart able to break me like this!"

"Because I'm done Ann. Now, go upstairs and start packing your stuff. And don't you dare break anything or steal anything that's mine or I'll find a way for you to pay for it." Ann can not believe the things Mario says. She's just standing there looking at him with all the disbelief she has inside.

"Tic toc, time is ticking Ann." And then she left. Ran upstairs with tears in her eyes. She finally realized that the reason she was with Mario was because of his fame. At least, Mario was hoping for that.

"I didn't do shit to you except living my damn life."

"How did you find the time to come and yell at me? Not that many shoots this season?"

"Stop being sassy goddamnit! I want you back." She's almost screaming which makes Mario even more sassy.

"well, I finally managed to get my life back on track and I don't need your presence in this part of my life. If you could excuse me, I have to call Marco back."

"Stay right where you are."

"Why would I? I've been really clear with you Ann. I don't want you anymore, it's that simple."

"You'll never get a girl that's more beautiful than me Mario, keep that in mind."

"Oh really? I can't remember you where chosen as 'the most beautiful woman in the world'. I thought that was the job of Orlando Bloom's wife?" Mario's mind flashes to Jill, 

Jill is way more beautiful than Ann, her look is way more authentic and bold. She is everything but mainstream. Ann is like a walking fashion magazine, blegh.

"Ohhh now you're just being a bitch Mario. Is that your only life goal, hurting me?"

"As if I've hurt you before."

"Pffft. Back to the subject, you'll never find a new girl. All the girls you'll meet in the future are bitches that want you for your fame, Mario."

"Just like you? And you should be carefull with what you're saying. I'm actually having a date this weekend."

"Hah, sure." Mario can't stand Ann's attitude

"Yeah, sure. Would you please let me go now?"

"This was your last chance Mario, I got loads of men waiting for me."

"Ofcourse Ann, they're all waiting for that great personallity you have."

Ann looks Mario furious in the eye, but gets in her car and leaves. Mario feels relieved. He's finally done with that bitch. As soon as he gets inside his house he calls Marco.

At first the two men chitchat for a bit and when the conversation gets about Jill everything gets awkward. Marco ruins the whole moment with his 'genious sayings' as he calls thema himself. After the phone call Mario decides that he should go to bed. He has to look fine in two days and everything starts with the right amount of sleep, but after two hours of useless thinking, thinking and more thinking. Even underneath the shower the thoughts keep coming.

What if she doesn't like me in real life? What if Ann was right? Calm yourself down Mario, you idiot. Even if it turns out to be nothing with the little Schweini you got Marco. He's there too, but I know I'll like her.. She plays football, likes Götzeus, knows a lot about us, is damn beautiful and I heared from Bastian she's really funny too. What could possibly go wrong? Ugh everything could go wrong..I could say something offensive or... I'm driving myself crazy this way. I got to let it go...

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