Chapter 11 ~ Jill

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Jill is just standing there in the door opening with a cracked smirk on her face and tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Jill, I," Marco starts but doesn't get time to finish his sentence

"Let me guess, Marco. This isn't what it looks like? This isn't you kissing and tongueing the man I like, and ofcourse he isn't kissing back and I still have a chance to be with him? Ofcourse this can't be what it looks like, because otherwise you'd break the bro-code,which you promised not to. What do you have to say about this Marco? Is this what it looks like, or am I taking this wrong?" Jill says with a broken smirk and a waterfall of tears rolling down and dropping on the bathroom floor

"Jill, I'm so sorry, I've been an asshole, I know that, but I won't touch him anymore. This was my fault not his." Marco tries to calm down Jill, but now her face breaks and she's just crying and Mario is standing there. Just standing there staring at Marco and Jill

"No Marco. You haven't been an asshole. Nothing like that at all, actually. You're worse. There's one word they call this kind of people. you know that word Marco? It may sound familiar to the both of you."

"Jill, Marco wasn't the only one in this. I gave in, it's also my fault." Mario manages to say

"You were doubting your feelings, Götze, and I guess I'm not worth your love."

"That's bullshit Jill. Ofcourse you're worth his love, and I'm the one who kissed him a second time." Marco protests

"I know, Marco, I know. And I knew this was going to happen. I know how you are Marco."

"What?" Marco's surprised by this statement

"You're the traitor in this Marco, not Mario or anyone who's being insulted with it. You betrayed me with this! You knew how much he means to me. You know I forgave you for last night and now you're here kissing him again. I got to go. I don't care if you guys get together, fuck or whatever you might come up with. I'm leaving." She says confidently, but breakable at the same time.

The boys try to make her stay, but she's grabbing all her stuff and putting it back into her suitcase. When she walks down the stairs, Bastian walks around the corner to see what all the noise is about and he sees his little sis teary eyed with her suitcase.

"Jill, where are you going?" Bastian asks surprised

"I'm going home. These sweethearts may explain why. I can't stay any longer."

"How are you even planning on getting home? I drove you here." Marco says

"I called a cab." she says meanly to Marco "Don't worry Basti, I'll be safe and I'll call you as soon as I'm in Dortmund okay?" Jill says, kisses Bastian and Lucas on the cheek, who are standing there confused by what's happening and Jill walks out the door.

She tries not to cry as she steps into the cab, but the tears keep coming. Jill gives the adress to the cabdriver and she puts her earplugs in to listen to some music and calm down. Meanwhile she's texting again

me- Hey honey, can I come over to your place tonight? Marco did it already, I got angry with him and I just couldn't stay there. #crying all over the cab :'P XO

<3 - Ahwe hey baby, ofcourse! I just got home from training, I'll take a shower and make everything ready for you. I'm so sorry that he did this so easily, you do not deserve to be treatened like this. I'll take care of you XXX

me- Thanks so much, you're the sweetest. I'll see you in 3 hours, the traffic is being nice, so there shouldn't be any trouble XO

<3 - Can't wait to see you baby. I'll be waiting for you with some candles, blankets and a lot of tissues. Which movie would you like to see? XXX

me- Something happy, like Mama mia or something very romantic. To get me crying and get all the shit that has happened out you know ;) I'm so lucky you gave me your number and that we started texting. You understand me so well. You are the sweetest person ever and I'll hug you tighter than you can imagine tonight X

<3 - haha can't wait! I'll select some nice movies for you to choose from. Have a safe ride babe, and I'm so lucky to have met such a beautiful angel like you :*

'I'm just so lucky to have met him. When he gave me his number, I didn't know what to expect. He seemed like a cute guy, but nothing that special, but I got to know him in one night texting. 6 hours of straight texting ain't nothing haha! He's so sweet. Maybe it's right that Mario choose for Marco. He knew that I loved Mario more and that I'd go for him if he said yes, but how Mario and Marco have hurt me.. I can't wait to be in his arms'


At 10PM Jill finally arrives at the adress he gave her. It's a big building with appartments which seem to be pretty big. She presses the bell with his name on it

"Who's there?" a sweet and familiar voice says

"It's me, Jill. I made it" Jill says relieved. She had just called Bastian to say she arrived home safetly and he wished her good night and he said he'd call her tomorrow after the other boys left.

"I'll open the door for you babe." and Jill hears the buzz of the door opening. She runs towards the elevator. Jill can't wait any longer. As soon as the doors of the elevators open at the right level she runs out the elevator and sees him standing there in the door opening of his appartment.

"Erik!" She says while she runs into his arms and starts crying again

"It's okay babe, I'm here. You're safe. Lets get inside before my neighbours start wondering what's going on." Erik takes Jill in his arms and carries her inside, bridal style

Jill is still teary eyed, but also happy she's finally able to just talk with Erik and be with him. He drops her on the sofa with some blankets. For a moment he dissapears, but returns with some hot chocolate which makes Jill smile
Erik sits down beside her and takes her in his arms and he kisses her head while she lays her head onto his shoulder.
"Erik?" Jill asks


"Thanks so much for everything." She says snuggling into his chest.

"No problem at all baby. I'm happy to help you."

"Why did you gave me your number anyway?" Jill asks curiously

"I thought you were cute. You saw how I reacted when Marco said you were taken by Mario. That was a real punch in the face." He says

"But why? What's so special about me that made you like me in the first place?"

"I don't know. You looked cute and me and Ciro saw you walk the stairs to the field and we agreed about the fact you have a great ass."

"Haha, gheez! You were looking at my ass right away?" Jill says laughing

"But your personality is better than your ass."

"I must have a horrible ass then."

"No you defenitly don't." Erik says sweetly

"But I left Mario and Marco there in München." Jill says getting sad again

"You needed some air. And they can't blame you for leaving after what they did." Erik says turning Jill's face towards his own. Jill thinks he's going to kiss her, but he plants sweet, soft tiny kisses all over her cheeks, forhead and neck. As soon as he arrives at my collarbone he stops and stands up from the sofa. Jill looks up to him with questioning eyes. He turns his back to her so she cannot see what he's doing, but as soon as he walks back to the sofa and sets himself beside Jill again she sees he has just put mama mia on.

"You're such a sweetheart, Erik."

"I like to make you feel good. You deserve it." He says and cuddles her
Suddenly Jill gets a call.

"It's Marco.." Jill says

Traitor?//Marco Reus & Mario GötzeWhere stories live. Discover now