Chapter 16 ~ Mario

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"Marco, my ass hurts so bad that I can't even sit properly." Mario says to the older blonde when he walks into the kitchen

Marco smirks before answering "Well, I guess I did a good job then."

Mario laughs and kisses Marco on his cheek and sits down with a quick "scheiße" coming out of his mouth which causes Marco to giggle

"I'm happy Pep agreed with you staying at my place for the next match." Marco says hugging Mario from behind

"It's weird Bastian and the rest of the team isn't here yet." Mario responds

"Well, I like your presence."

"Ohw, babe, I love being here don't get me wrong! It has been so long since I've been here and you made me breakfast." Mario says flushing red.

Marco smirks at Mario's sudden way of reacting "don't worry about it Sunny. And is something bothering you? You seem to be a bit off."

"Well, I was just wondering how Jill and Erik are doing. I hope he's good for her. I know you don't like him, and I still don't regret my choices, but I still feel a bit guilty." Mario says

"I understand. I still feel guilty too... I still hope I can recover our friendship some day." Marco says looking down, Mario nodds.

As soon as they finish their breakfast Mario starts to clean the table and puzzles the plates into the dishwasher. When he's finished Marco hugs him from behind and swirls his arms around Mario's waist. As soon as Mario closes the dishwasher, he gets pinned against the kitchen wall with a Marco softly pushing his hips against him.

"Hmm Marco, nooo, it still hurts so much." Mario pushes out between two moans caused by Marco kissing his neck

"Let me at least kiss your beautiful lips babe, I need your body against mine." Marco whispers in Mario's ear

"Be carefull." Mario whispers back. Marco scoops Mario and carries him to the bedroom in bridal style. He lays Mario down rolls him into all the blankets. Mario looks like a huge hotdog, which causes the two man to giggle. Marco hugs the giant hotdog and kisses Mario on his lips again. The two fall asleep again, all cuddled up against each other with a smile on their face


Mario and Marco are shopping for some grosseries for tonight's dinner, but people look weird at them shopping together. Nobody says a word until they bump into a man who's wearing a Dortmund trikot.

"What the fuck is this Reus?!" The man shouts

"He's your enemy, not your friend, man, boyfriend or whatever! You're a traitor too aren't you!" The man spits at Marco, who has calmly put his arm around Mario's waist.

"Well in fact sir, he is my boyfriend. And that he plays for another club does not say I can't love him or spend time with him. He was a Borruse too remember." Marco says to the man who is now standing in front of the taller blonde with his mouth wide open. A lot of people heared the conversation and are staring at the couple with nothing but disbelief.

"R-Reus, you're gay?!" Is all the man can say

"I am." Marco says

"You did this to him didn't you!" The man suddenly shouts to Mario which causes Mario to flinch

"Leave him alone! We love each other, he didn't put a spell on me or something. And now stop shouting at us for godssake or I'll call someone of the supermarket to get you out of here." Marco says to the man trying to stay calm

"You're a bitch in real life Marco!" The man says

"Only if people are being mean to me or my sunny. If you are a real fan, you'd understand my relation with Mario and you'd be happy for me. Now leave us alone please." Marco says and walking towards the checkout with Mario beside him

"Es tut mir leid Sunny, but I'm afraid things like this will happen more often now." Marco says as soon as they're outside and he hugs Mario as soon as he drops the shoppingbags

"It's okay, it's just that I know this man personally. He used to be part of my fanclub and I met him multiple times and since it came out I was going to Bayern, he never came to fan meetings again." Mario says sighing

"It's the traitor thing that's bothering you isn't it?" Marco asks rubbing Mario's back

"Yeah.." Mario responds quickly removing the tear that was rolling down his cheek.

"I have to ask you one question. Are you happy at Bayern?" Marco asks cupping Mario's face

"I am, I made so many new friends and my skills are still improving, but when I see what kind of hate I left here I'm just getting scared I made the wrong decision.." Mario says looking Marco in the eyes with tears rolling down his cheek

"When you're happy, you shouldn't even think about those suckers here. Ofcourse, I miss you, but I'm so happy you're having a great time in München with the team, that makes so happy Sunny, it really does."Marco says smiling to his treasure

"You're such a loving boyfriend Marco. And I know I shouldn't give a fuck, but it just became too much.."

"I know baby I know."

"The reason I was so shocked when I found out you'd cut yourself was that I've wanted to do so myself... And to see my bæ doing that to himself was so eye-opening. Never do that again please." Mario suddenly says

"I- I, I'm not planning on ever doing it again baby, you're mine and my life couldn't be better at the moment. I'm so thankful for your love"

(A/N I'm so so so so so sorry for not writing for such a while! I've been wanting to write for a long time, but I kinda got a writer's block. I have enough ideas for the Erik and Jill part of the story, but it's a Marco Reus fanfic after all :P Leave you ideas for the story in the comments. If I do not find the inspiration to continue writing, I might delete this story since I'm also working on another Götzeus story, which is easier at the moment because it has a diffrent storyline, but I'll have to see how that idea turns out.. Thanks for reading and I love you <3)

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