Chapter 20 ~ Marco

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As Marco comes home he cleans up the mess he left behind and sits down on a chair at the dining table. 'Should I have fought for Mario like everyone expected me to? I just want him to be happy. Maybe he comes back?'
For one second Marco's mind flashes back to where he has hidden his blades. To how it used to take away the pain and set his mind on diffrent things. But he tries to wave that idea away. He has come so far without cutting, he doesn't want to fall back.

He decides to call Jill.
"This is Jill, how can I help you?"
"It's Marco.. Are you with Erik?"
"Hiya Reus! No I'm home alone for a bit. How are you?"
"I feel horrible, can I please come over?"
"Ofcourse! Come fast, I want to know what's up. Jump in your car, I'll go get a beer for you."
"You better get something stronger. I'll be on my way."

As he arrives at Jill's she pulls him into a tight hug right away. After Marco told her what has been going on she agrees on him getting something stronger and gets him some mixed up Bacardi. Later that night they replace the Bacardi for Vodka and after a lot of sobbing from Marco they decide that Marco can absolutely not drive home and Jill tucks him in on the couch.

Around 3am, Marco wakes up with a lot of anger towards Mario. 'I've been so sweet and he just leaves me like that? That little bitch' He thinks by himself. He tries to stand up to get to his phone to call Mario but knocks a table over since he's quite intoxicated. Jill wakes up by the sound of things falling on the floor and knows Marco's on to something dumb.
She stops Marco, who's trying to walk a straight line to the kitchen.
"Marco, what were you doing?"

"I'm calling Malio!" He says angrily

"No, you're not calling Malio who's actually named Mario, sweetheart, drank too much?"

"D-don't sass me right now plwease." Marco says grabbing his head

"Go back to the couch, have some sleep, you have the right to be angry, but you'll say stupid things when you call him now."
A tear rolls down Marco's cheek

"You're right, I'm sorry. Can I have some water?" Marco asks as he sits back down

"Sure thing." Jill says and gets him a glass of water. Then suddenly the doorbel rings

"Who the fluck would stop by at 3am?" Marco asks sipping from his water

As Jill opens the door she's surprised to see Erik there.
"Erik? What are you doing here? You have an important match tomorrow!"

"I felt lonely and wanted to sleep with you, please?" Erik asks pouting and trying to pull off some puppy eyes before he kisses Jill sweetly on the lips

"Gosh, okay then cutiepie, but I have an extremely drunk Marco on my couch sipping some water. Be nice to him, I'll tell you in the bedroom okay?"

"Okay then, I'm curious what happened."

As Jill and Erik walk into the livingroom they see a Marco, still sitting on the couch with his now empty glas, but with his head resting on the back of the couch softly snoring.

"We have to lay him in a decent position." Erik whispers

"Lets try that together" they lay Marco back in the position he laid in before. Marco smiles a little and then starts snoring again.


The next morning Jill wakes Marco,
"Hey sweetheart, I have a glass of water, a painkiller and some coffee for you. To be fit for the match you'll have to wake up now." She says while stroking his sweaty hair out of his face.

"Thanks, you've been great." Marco replies with a deep raspy voice.

"You can go take a shower now, Erik has to go after you so don't shower too long."

Traitor?//Marco Reus & Mario GötzeWhere stories live. Discover now