Chapter 1 ~Bastian

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"Hey Basti! Why are you calling me this late?"
"Jill, I wanted to talk to you."
"About what? Has something happened? Did you get injured at the training?!"
"No, no, no. Don't worry about me, I wanted to talk about moving to München."
"Why do you want to talk about that? You where perfectly clear last time." she sounds angry right away while Bastian tries to explain and stay friendly.
"I know you're angry about it, but I wanted to explain myself okey?"
"Go ahead."
"Well, I know you like Mario,"
"Nuhuh, LOVE."
"*sigh* Love then, but I want to know what kind of person he is at first. Maybe he's a jerk you know, I don't want my little sis to date a jerk."
"Bastian... I'm 18 for godssake!"
"Yeah, but you're still my little princess."
"Pfft, and what if I'm about to meet him?"
"You're not."
"Why are you so sure about that?"
"Because he's here. In my house."
"What?! Why are you calling with me then?!"
"Because I wanted to tell you something."
"Well get over with it."
"I showed him a picture of you,"
"Shhhh let me tell you what happened. He looked at the picture and said, 'she's really pretty Bastian, who is she?' So I told him that you're my sis and he was like 'oh, uhm, I didn't mean to be uhm...' and then he got quiet and reaaaaally red. I laughed and told him it was alright."
"I think I might be dying over the fact he's in your house and said I'm pretty.."
"Hahaha he wants to meet you Jill."
"No way!"
"Yeah! So I thought that maybe, you could come over for a weekend?"
"That would be amazing! But there's one thing.. I met Marco today, he's really nice by the way, and he is also going to get me an appointment.."
"Mario'll contact him. And wait what?!"
"There was an intervieuw with Marco about the 'traitor' thing and I was there and talked to him afterwards."
"That's pretty cool, but there's one thing left about the 'crush thing'."
"If he hurts you, one, I'll beat the shit out of him, two I'll say something like 'I've warned you."
"Ugh, really Basti? Why don't we just start with waiting? Just to see how it works out?"
"I'll go with that plan." Bastian laughs and says his goodbyes to his sister.

He walks back to the living room where Mario is sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine. As soon as he hears Bastian walking in he turns around and asks,
"What did she say?" His eyes are glowing of hope
"Why're you so curious?"

"Because I want to get to know her."

"Keep in mind that it's my little sister."

"I will Bastian don't worry. I don't know her yet, why would I want to hurt her?"

"You're a good guy Mario. I know that." Bastian says while bro-hugging him.
Bastian tells Mario about the Marco thing. Mario says he'll contact him and they make sure Marco will be there too.

When Mario's about the leave, Bastian has to ask him this,


"I look forward to the weekend."

"Me too! It will also be nice to see Reus again."

"He seems like a really nice guy to me."

"He defenitly is. Oh, by the way. Does Sarah come?"

"Oh yeah, I'll ask her to join us, so that you three can have some fun." Bastian is teasing Mario and it hits it's target. Mario turns bright red.

"Just teasing you Götze. See you in two days!"

"See you in two days Bastian!"

Traitor?//Marco Reus & Mario GötzeWhere stories live. Discover now