Chapter 3 ~ Mario

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"She's really pretty Bastian, her eyes are so blue, like oceans. Who is this girl you're showing me?"

"That girl, is my little sister Jill."

"Oh, Bastian, I- I- I didn't mean to..."
Bastian can't keep his face serious and bursts into laughter

"No problem Götze, she's a big Götzeus-fan, you know. You're her favorite and she wants to meet you, but I wouldn't let her because I wanted to know you first."

"I'm her fave?! I feel honored Bastian, and I totally understand you wanted to 'check' on me first."

"You're such a good guy Mario, I don't know how I was able to doubt you."

"It's really no big deal Bastian, I totally understand why you did this."

"That's good. Well, would you like to meet her too?"

"Yeah! Totally, she seems like a nice girl. Could you tell me some more about her?"

"Ofcourse! Well, she's called Jill ofcourse, she's 18, 1.80m ironic isn't it. uhm, and what do you want to know?"

"Don't get me wrong, but is she single? Not that I'm immediatly planning on flirting with her and things like that, but just questioning."

"Well, yeah she is. She's never had a boyfriend." Mario clearly doesn't believe Bastian at his word

"What?! How is that even possible?"

"Boys think she's to manly, weird and things like that." Bastian's face is really serious now

"Why do they think that? She looks like a really cute girl."

"She footballs, is München fan and knows a lot about it. Her brother is Bastian Schweinsteiger, which makes them think I'll kick the shit of them, embarrass them in front of the team and more. Sometimes I wish she had another brother. Being a famous defender hasn't been that great for her. The worst part is, she doesn't say it's my fault, she blames herself."

"I'm sure she loves you Bastian, and I think she scared those boys with being herself. It's their fault, they're missing out."

"It's good to know how you think about it Götze. Should I call her and ask if she's able to get over for the weekend? We could get some dinner and she'll come to the match. Thomas and the other guys'd love to see her again."

Mario's face lights up as Bastian suggests this
"Yeah! That would be great!"

While Bastian is calling with Jill, Mario spends his time thinking about the little Schweinsteiger.

' Why would boys avoid a relationship with someone who loves football and has a famous brother? I'd fall in love immediatly if I knew a girl in my class loved football. Come on, Bastian Schweinsteiger as your brother, are there things more awesome than that? Jill's really pretty too. I wonder which club she plays for.. Bastian haven't told me where she lives yet. Wouldn't it be cool for her and Bastian to play together sometimes? I could talk about it with Guardiola.. He wouldn't mind. She's Schweini's sis and maybe she's really good at football?'

 Mario turns around as soon as he hears Bastian coming back.
"What did she say?" Mario's eyes are glowing of hope

"Why're you so curious?"

"Because I want to get to know her."

"Keep in mind that it's my little sister."

"I will Bastian don't worry. I don't know her yet, why would I want to hurt her?"

"You're a good guy Mario. I know that." Bastian says while bro-hugging him.
Bastian tells Mario about the Marco thing. Mario says he'll contact him and they make sure Marco will be there too.

When Mario's about the leave, Bastian asks him this,


"I look forward to the weekend."

"Me too! It will also be nice to see Reus again."

"He seems like a really nice guy to me."

"He defenitly is. Oh, by the way. Does Sarah come?"

"Oh yeah, I'll ask her to join us, so that you three can have some fun." Bastian is teasing Mario and it hits it's target. Mario turns bright red.

"Just teasing you Götze. See you in two days!"

"See you in two days Bastian!" 

On the drive home Mario feels good. For the first time in forever it seems. Mario's been nearly depressed because of all the hate he gets from Dortmund fans. He had to leave Reus, which wasn't the nice part of moving either, but guys like Bastian are what makes Mario's life great again. The coach has been happy with Mario's presentations during the training and in the field. 

Suddenly Mario starts thinking about what he should wear this weekend and he starts laughing at himself. He hasn't alowed himself to think about things like this for a long time. It gives enough energy to move on. He feels like this has been the push to his new life. he's getting more and more excited, but when he reaches his house, he sees a familiar car..


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