Chapter 4 ~ Marco

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"Mats stop!" Marco pushes him away, all his muscle vitality is needed for this. Mats is a big guy. Normally, Marco is the flirty one, but not like this. It's mostly joking around, nothing serious, but Marco gets more angry every second, what the hack does Mats think?!

"Mats, what the hack are you thinking?! I'm not gay! Mario and I are joking, we aren't gay, we're just like brothers."

"But, Marco, I"

"No, get off me goddamnit. And shut the freak up. I understand this must be hard for you, but I'm not gay and you betrayed my trust with this stupid action. Get out of my appartment."

Mats opens his mouth as if he's about to say something, but when he looks Marco in the eyes he understands it's wiser to shut his mouth. He stands up mumbeling something like sorry and leaves Marco all by himself, talking to himself

"He betrayed your trust Marco, don't blame yourself. He tried to kiss you without permission, it's not your fault." Marco sits there like an hour just staring into nothing, thinking about what has just happened.

Marco calls Jill. When he has told the whole thing with Mats he aks, "was I to hard for him? Was I disrespectful?"
"No. I don't think so at least. He tried to kiss you while you where there for him as a friend. I agree with you. He did betray your trust Marco. Don't worry about it, it will be okay."
"You sure?"
"Come on man, get yourself over it and come over to my place to drink something. Talking in real life works better than through the phone."
Jill gives her adress to Marco and tells him to not worry about it. Marco nods, but doesn't know yet.
"I'll be there in a minute, Jill!"

Marco arrives at Jills place and meets her roommate, who doesn't know shit about football.

"Welcome in our house Marco, it's nice to see you again." Jill says while giving Marco a hug

Jill's roommate is just standing there on the doorstep.

"Jill, is this that famous footballer?"

"yeah, this is Marco Reus. Marco, this is Ruby."

Marco and Ruby stand in front of each other, shaking hands. Marco is smiling towards Ruby, but it's obvious she doesn't like him. She says she's going to her boyfriend and will stay the night. I ask her why she's leaving so suddenly, but she says she'll explain later.

"It's really weird. Normally she's really nice to new people"

"We know each other.. Ruby and I where in the same class in college. She used to fancy me, but it's wasn't both ways."

"Really? Well that was unexpected, but let's talk about the good things."

Suddenly Marco gets a call, when he reads the name on the screen a big smile appears on his face.
"Who is it?"

Marco picks up his phone and whispers "Mario"
Jill gets nervous, Marco is able to see the excitment in her eyes.
At first the conversation between Marco and Mario is just smalltalk, but when they start talking about the weekend Marco asks Jill to get something to drink for the both of them.
"This is awesome babe! I'll finally be able to see you again and you'll be able to meet Jill and oh my gawsh, this will be so awesome."
"I know right?! Bastian is a real genius. How is Jill?" Marco can almost feel Mario's cheeks turn red through the phone.
"This is like the cutest thing ever. She's really lovely."

"Marco, you're not telling me that was about me?!"

"She doesn't want me to talk about her Mario."
"She's there? Was she listening all the time? You could have told me man."
"she was getting a drink for us, I'm at her place. Hah, I her face is even more red than yours I bet."
"Marcoooo fuck you!"

"Shut the fuck up Reus!" They scream at the same time. Marco sure is enjoying himself and keeps on laughing.

Jill went off to her room after some more awkward moments Marco caused. Mario was upset after he heared she left and told Marco that he'd better go after her and tell her he's an asshole. Marco protested in the first place, but listened to Mario after all. He excused himself to Jill and told her Mario is really looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Jill couldn't stay angry with Marco and the two started to talk again.

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