Chapter 8 ~ Marco

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Marco's not able to fall asleep. He always doubted his feelings for Mario, but never this much. He'd break the 'bro-code' towards Jill if he'd go for it.. She is a Götzeus fan, but she wouldn't like it at this point. He looks at the bed beside him Jill has curled up into a little ball. After a few minutes she stands up and walks to the bathroom.

"Psst Mario, what the hack has happened?" Marco whispers

"I told her I don't know for sure anymore. That kiss messed up a lot, man. My feelings for you and for her for example. I said I'm thinking about being gay, but that she shouldn't give up and that it is my fault." Mario says guilty

The guys keep discussing the topic, and they do not realize that Jill has already been inside the bathroom for almost half an hour.

After Jill being almost one hour in the bathroom Marco realises and walks towards the door.
"Jill?" He whispers carefully

"Yeah?" Jill says without anything that could make up if she had cried or not.

"Are you okay?" Marco asks

"Sort off." Jill says softly

"Hey, that this happened doesn't make things diffrent. Fight for yourself, Jill. You're a Götzeus fan, and I know that won't be as much anymore at this point, but really you should go for it. Until you find someone else or just say it's okay for me I wont do shit. Because I'd break the bro-code if i did. And you're my babe, I don't want to do such thing to you." Marco says confidently even though he's not sure if he'd be able to control himself.

"You're such a sweetheart Marco." Jill says and unlocks the door to the bathroom. She hugs Marco and she puts her phone on the charger.

"What were you doing with your phone?" Marco asks surprised

"Just talking to someone. Don't worry about it I wasn't talking about this to him." Jill says calmly

"Talking to who?"

"Does it matter? Nothing special. Can we please go to sleep now? I'm tired." Jill says avoiding the question. Marco nods and the two walk back to their beds, but Marco's not sure what Jill was actually doing in there and hopes it's nothing stupid just because he has kissed Mario. 'She still has a chance, Mario says that too. I hope she isn't ruining things..' Marco thinks before he falls into a deep dreamless sleep.


"Morning sunshines, rise and shine!" Bastian shouts through the door. Marco and Mario are immediatly awake and ready to go out of bed, but Jill doesn't give a single sign of life. Mario tries to wake her, but she's still fast asleep. Marco sees her phone in her hands and gets angry right away.

"Mario," Marco whispers "She has been texting all night." Mario sees her phone too and remembers that before he felt asleep she had put in onto the charger.

"What should we do?" Mario asks

"I got a plan. Get her phone out of her hands and put it on a safe place. I'm going to get a glass of water."

Marco walks downstairs and explains the situation to Bastian before he takes the glass upstairs.

"She deserves to be waked brutally, are you sure you don't want a bucket?" Bastian says sarcastically. Marco laughs with him.

Bastian walks along with Marco and they fill the glass with water. They sneak into the bedroom where Mario has managed to get the phone in a safe spot. Marco stands above Jill and slowly turns the glass. The first drop of water plops onto her face and she cringes, but does not wake up. Marco decides it has to happen fast and turns the glass upside down. The whole glass of water splashes into her face and she screams because of the cold and the unexpected wake-up-call.

"Son of a bitch! Why did you do that!" She shouts. Bastian has already fled back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Mario, I think someone did not get enough sleep and is a bit irritated by our lovely wake up method." Marco says sarcastically

"Hmm, I think so too Marco. What should we do? I suggest a little tickeling would get her a bit more happy and ready for the day." Mario replies

"Wait what! no no no no no, no tickeling you bastards!" Jill says panicking, but Mario and Marco attack. She giggles and shouts for help, but they won't stop

"Guys, GUYS! Okay, okay I'll go dress myself. stop please!" Marco looks at Mario and they agree it has been enough.


On their way to the Bayern München vs. Wolfsburg match Mario and Jill sit in the back and Marco and Bastian in the front. Mario and Jill are chatting about loads of things and the conversation sounds relaxed. Marco wasn't sure if they'd be able to continue being cute, awkward and happy together.

Marco wishes that his own body will be able to holg itsself with Mario. That kiss made a lot off feelings and needs from the past couple of years come free. Last night Marco realised how much more he wants Mario then he expected.. Besides Marco being insecure about his needs, one question keeps flowing through his mind, 'Who was Jill texting with all night long?'

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