Tutor? Me?!

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Kailee's P.O.V.

I walk to the head masters and smile at Mrs. Cropper who grins at me, she motions inside the room and fans her face. I giggle and knock on the door in my special knock, I hear a laugh come from inside before he calls out. "Come in Kailee." I saunter in and stop to stare at Mr. Anderson and his son.....shit!

I walk over to the head masters mini tea and coffee area. I dump my bag, and start to make myself some coffee. I feel the tension and spin around, I sigh and add some milk and sugar to my coffee before perching on our headmasters clear half of the desk. "Let me have it." I say sighing in distaste, I take a sip of coffee to calm myself.

"We need you to.....erm.....well I know you hate helping people but........." I sigh and look at our headmaster.

"Stop beating around the bush Henry, spill it!" I say bringing the cup to my lips, just as the liquid enters my mouth.

"I need you to tutor Andrew!" I almost chock on my coffee but I keep my face calm, and swallow the rest of my coffee draining the cup.

"Well that's not very wise." I say chuckling. "I'm off half the year and.........." The head master cuts me off.

"And still have the best grades in the entire school." I grin and lean back slightly rubbing my fingernails against my top and examining them.

"That's because everyone else here barely has any brains left in those hollow skulls." Henry sighs and motions the Mr. Anderson, I spin my head to face him.

"Even so, Andrew still needs your help....we'll pay you." I shake my head and hold my hand up.

"I have enough money thank you, which subject, when and where?" I say confidently.

"I'm not trying to insult you, we just want to give you payment. English, our place, Fridays?" I sigh and hop off the table.

"I know you're not trying to insult me, payment is if Andrew get's an A* on his English Exam, give me your address and most of the time it's going to have to be rescheduled.....but I can get one lesson in every week without fail, just not sure what day." I say shrugging my bag on, Mr. Anderson grins and hands over a slip off paper.

"That's our address, and thank you." I wave a hand and shove the paper in my school bag's mini pocket.

"See you on Friday. Nice meeting you." I say pulling the door open.

"You too Kailee." I smile and shut the door, I wave at Mrs. Cropper and make my way back to maths.


Friday's finally come and I can not be bothered! I was out late last night :( I drive to the house quickly and stare at the giant silver gates, I shake my head and drive up buzzing on the inter-com. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's the tutor Kailee open up!" I say simply, I hear a slight chuckle and watch as the gate slides open I drive up and see they even have a butler to park cars. I hand my keys over not even fazed and glance at the house, nice 4 stories. I shrug and walk up to the door just as it swings open to reveal a small thin woman who looks a bit like Andrew.

"You must be Kailee, come on in." I walk inside and kick my shoes off with all the others. "I'm Natalie, Andrew is just up those stairs first door on your right. I'll be up soon, call if you need anything else." I grin and start for the stairs.

"Thanks Natalie." I say over my shoulder and she smiles at me, I walk up the stairs and walk to the door. I tap once and walk on in, there Andrew is on the couch looking bored. He sits up when he sees me and I smile a small smile at him. "Lets get this over with." I say dumping my bag on the soft rug and falling on the stomach after it, I look at Andrew to see him just sat there. "Well come on!" I say and pull out all my books that I need.

Andrew walks over and sits down next to me, I basically have to glance at him behind my shoulder. "Not happening." I say and pull him down next to me, we're both now on the rug flat on our stomachs.

"Ouch." He mutters rubbing his stomach, I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Please tell me you don't actually think that hurt, try doing this." I say falling fore ward and landing on my stomach not arms supporting me, but I keep my head up so I don't bask my chin.

"How the flying heck did you do that!?" I chuckle and open a book.

"Get some work done and I might show you!" I say and glance at the books. "Ooh, Romeo and Juliet how cliche" I say sighing. "Okay what do you think about it?" He grabs the book and places it in front of him. He's about to start but Natalie comes up and he stops, she grins and places a tray on the coffee table next to Andrew.

"Thanks mum." She grins and passes me some orange juice.

"Thank you Natalie." She chuckle and nods before walking out the door.

"Your welcome." She says and closes the door. "Although I think I heard her mutter about how polite I was.

"She's so sweet, wanna trade." I ask chuckling, Andrew shakes his head and I smile taking a sip of the orange juice.

"Nah I'm good, what are your parents like." I shrug and flip through Romeo and Juliet.

"Dead and buried." I say simply and place the book down, I rest my head in my arms and look at him.

"I'm sorry." I shrug and nudge him slightly.

"It's cool, come on. Work time." He smiles and starts to tell me about what he thinks about Romeo and Juliet........and he's spot on. How is he failing English? Something fishy's going on!


Third chapter and still no votes, reads or comments :( Please if you like this tell me :D Katie :D

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