Why'd you bruise me?

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Kailee's P.O.V.

Me and C walk out of class happy and content, okay Mrs. Sally's cookies are the best! Me and C walk down the hallway when she stops and shoves me against the lockers. "OMG! K, it's him!" I roll my eyes and shrug.

"Who?" I ask curiously pulling away from her, and let me tell you she has a tight grip.

"Andrew Anderson!" I look at her blankly and then she gives me the 'are you stupid' look, it suddenly kicks in. I scowl at C and rub my arm.

"And that gives you the right to bruise me?" I ask and turn away to come face to face with Rex the school's player, I'm the only one that's not been in his pants yet and trust me I don't intend to any time soon. "Hello Ronald." I say smirking as he grimaces.

"Hello Kailee." I feel C come stand next to me. "Hello......chick I banged at a party, right?" C balls her fist up, but I grab it gently.

"What do you want Ronald?" I ask spitting his name out.

"Oh you know, every girls V-card......just yours left." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Honey that left long ago." i say lying through my teeth, I squeeze C's hand to tell her I'm lying. Ronald runs his eyes over my body.

"I'm willing to make an exception." I grin and release C's hand moving it backwards slightly.

"Thanks but........No thanks!" I say and slam my fist forward connecting it with his nose, I hear something crack and Rex is clutching his nose in pain. I see blood drip down his top and grin, then I see the look on his face and it turns into a slight smirk.

"I'll get you back for that bitch." I laugh and turn him around pushing him towards the nurses office.

"Yeah good luck with that!" I say and shove him in slamming the door in his face when he turns around, I spin round and dust off my hands. Everyone's staring and I roll my eyes. "Nothing to see here move along munchkins!" People start to go back to whatever they were doing before and I find C sat in a corner clutching her stomach, I walk fore ward worried but she lets out a snort.....oh she's laughing. I hold my hand out and she looks up grinning at me, I pull her up and support part of her weight.

"God, I think I've pulled a muscle!" I chuckle and crouch down.

"Come on, quick or else we're gonna be late to maths." I hear her let out a sqeal.

"Yay! A piggyback rid!" She jumps on top my back, literally jumps but I don't even wince. I stand up and people look at us oddly.

"C, what have you been eating?!" I ask joking and she ruffles my hair, when we get to maths I quickly re-ruffle it with my hands and it falls back into place. "Come on fat ass." She starts to hit me but winces. We walk in on Mr. Finch talking to the class but we carry on and walk to our seats.

"What have you been doing this weekend, been to the gym? Your biceps are like a brick!" I chuckle and sit down.

"Maybe you're just weak?" I ask in a sing song voice.

"K please! I bet you could beat any guy here at an arm wrestling match." Everyone turns to us and I laugh.

"Probably, but they won't fight....don't want to hurt a girl. When really they're just chicken." C grins and stands on her chair.

"Who'd arm wrestle Kailee?" Not surprisingly every guys hand shoots into the air, well the one's who are strong...you know, sporty guys. I grin and roll my sleeve up facing the guy in front of me.

"Girls first!" I say mockingly and he grins placing his arm on the table, we start to wrestle and I know I'm going to win. He starts to get red and the speaker comes on.

"Kailee Dawson, you are wanted in the head masters office, people ooh but I just keep a straight face and slam the guys arm on the table. I grin and grab my bag.

"Nice playing child's play, now if you don't mind I'm going to go have some coffee." I say and start to walk to the door, people cheer and I hear C making wooping noises. I spin around and bow dramatically before walking out the door and to the principles office.


Hey guys I've decided to give you the next chapter today during ICT yay me. I hope you enjoyed it look out for my next chapter on Friday :D Katie :D

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