Can't trust everyone

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Kailee's P.O.V.

After me and A had gone to get more cash and some new phones it was almost night time, I told A I would wake him when we got to my friends but he stayed up with me. "So.....what's this friend like?" A asks me curiously.

"He used to be in the same agency as me, but he retired when he got one of his legs blown off." I say and turn into the small wood lane.

"Blown off?" I glance at A and nod.

"Yeah, he's nice though...he knew my dad." I say honestly and spot the car near the gate.

"Who's there?" He asks out the intercom.

"Hey Henry...let us in?" I ask.

"First a couple questions." I let out a sigh.

"Go for it." I say honestly.

"Do I prefer tea or coffee." I smile,

" has to much caffeine in for you to handle." I hear him chuckle and say something to his butler quietly.

"Right one more question, which leg was blown off?" I laugh.

"Your right because it's your leading leg and they used that against you." I hear him grumble.

"Yep it's you, come on in hun." He says and the gate moves.

"Thanks." I say and drive in, I spot the car and jump out. A jumps out his side and comes round to me, I take his hand and lead him into the house. "Hey Henry." I say and walk into his kitchen.

"Hello dear...and friend. What can I do for you?" He asks smiling.

"We could do with some guns and bullets." He nods and takes my money.

"You know where they are, help yourself." I nod my head and tow A into the room, which is basically a closet with only that door and a window. I close the door behind us and start to pack guns and bullets into a big black bag, once it's full I zip it up. I then add a barrel of bullets to 2 guns and hand one to A, he raises and eyebrow and takes it from me.

"Okay here's what I want you to do, get out the window and go to the car. If there are men there shoot them, then climb in....if I'm not there in 10 minutes I want you to leave. I've taped a phone with a gps app on it under the drivers seat, it's programmed to take you to a safe haven. If I'm not back I really want you to leave, no waiting as soon as 10 minutes has gone by leave." I say honestly.

"Wait wait, what's going on Kailee?" I sigh and motion to the door with my gun.

"The Butler is one of my enemy's men, Henry will do pretty much anything for the right price...even sell me out. There are about 5 or 6 more I think, so do you understand the plan?" I ask him, he nods his head and I give him a kiss. "I love you." I say and push him towards the window.

"I love you more." He says before throwing the bag out the window, he glances back and I smile gently before motioning for him to shoo. He nods and climbs out, I let a tear streak on my cheek. I put my ear against the door and hear about 4 voice muttering about how long I was taking, I grin and step back. I kick the door open and start to shoot. I smile and then see Henry looking at me scared, I spin around and shoot the guy but he manages to the shoot his gun before falling down dead. His bullet manages to hit my right shoulder, I change my gun to my left hand I then shoot Henry in the left leg. I run out the house and shoot his butler, I glance around and see 2 figure approaching the car where A is just sat there unrealized. I shoot and they both fall down, I run over and A looks around worried. I jump in the car and check the back, the boot was crammed full of stuff so I doubt anyone's in's not our stuff by the way.

"Drive." I say and he drives away crashing the gate, I laugh and he smiles.

"How could he betray you like that?" A suddenly demands, I take one of his hands and squeeze it.

"You can't trust everyone in this line of work...I shot him in the left leg." I say and he laughs, I smile and gently press my left hand against my right shoulder.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Fine." I say and grit my teeth, being shot hurt! Sure it wasn't my first time but it still stung like a bitch! A suddenly stops the car and turns to me, I narrows his eyes onto my shoulder and pulls my hand away. He gasps when he sees half the bullet stuck into my shoulder, I grab the end but A stops me.

"What are you doing?" He practically screams at me.

"I'm pulling the bullet out, it's not that bad." I say and yank it out, I let out a slight whimper but other than that I stay silent. "Can you go into the glove compartment an find the first aid kit please." A does so and I rummage around, I find a wipe and slowly dab around my wound. I then grab the gauze and glance at A, he slowly helps me apply the gauze to my shoulder. When it's done he ties a small bow then kisses it, before packing away the kit.

"I love you." He says and leans in to kiss me.

"I love me too." I say jokingly, he laughs and presses his soft lips against mine. "I'm tired." I say honestly against his lips before leaning away and yawning.

"Me too, I'll find a motel." I nod my head and he kisses my temple before I slip off into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys literally just wrote this so I hope it's okay...hopefully it's better than my last chapter. Anyway let me know what you think, vote, comment and share if you want. Love you lovehearts! xx <3 :D Katie :D

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