Really?! A cruise!

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A's P.O.V.

I do as I'm told and keep my eyes ahead but whenever I glanced at Kailee I could see excitement brimming in her eyes, it constantly kept a smile on my face and as we carried on further up the road I could hear seagulls and smell the salt in the air. And soon the ocean came into view, it took my break away to see it looking so something and almost like glass, when we parked Kailee checked her watch before biting her lip. "We have some time before we have to go....want to walk on the beach?" I smile at the thought of having some alone time with Kailee on the beach.

"Sounds good to me." She smiles and hops out the car, I follow suit and together we walk to the incline of the hill that leads down to the beach. Kailee practically flies down the stairs and I hold back my laugh to see her this excited. At the last step Kailee rips off her shoes and socks before jumping into the sand, I laugh then and do the same.

"Can we run?" She asks.

"How about in the water edge?" She grins and nods before walking over, I catch up with her and let my hand brush against her every so often.  

"Come on A." Kailee yells from the water edge, it was just then that I noticed I'd stopped dead in my tracks....why was that? I snap out of it and jog up to Kailee, she grins before taking off to her right. Oh the chase is on! Her being a spy makes her a lot faster than you would of thought but today she looked like she was being slow just so I would catch her, I wasn't far behind her so I took another gulp of air before sprinting even faster to her. I reach out and wrap my arms around her waist, she lets out a girlie cry of laughter and I spin her around in a circle and I can tell how fast her breathing was and it was no where near as bad as mine. I spin her around in my arms and she looks at me with a smile on her face, she rests her forehead against mine and I let out a sigh.

"I know you let me catch you." She lets out a breathy chuckle and I let out an involuntary shiver as her warm breath brushes over my lips.

"What do you mean?!" I smile and lean in a little closer, he eyes go wide but I squeeze her waist and her eyes flutter closed just as I was about to kiss her I heard a load of people laughing. "Not here?" Kailee asks and pulls away, I nod with a sigh and my lips go into a pout without me even trying but Kailee just laughs and kisses the corner of my mouth knowing I'd want more.

"You are a mean girl." I say with a smile, she shrugs before spinning around out of my grasp and down the beach towards the docks I sigh and chase after her but not before flipping the young teens who were laughing at us.

I soon catch up with her and she's stood there waiting at one of the poles which holds the main part of the dock up, I smile and she does back before leading me under it and is it weird that I would prefer to kiss her here than anywhere else we've been together. As we walk side by side her hand keeps brushing against mine and I was itching to hold her hand but I didn't want her to freak out, oh forget it! I grabbed her hand lightly and I see a slight pink blush on her cheeks, I grin knowing I did that she sees my face and rolls her eyes before bumping her hip with mine but I just keep my silly grin and let her lead me towards a ladder. "Our boat leaves soon." I nod and let her go up first she laughs and quickly climbs up, then when I'm up and besides her instead of me taking her hand it was her who took my hand this time, I raise my eyebrows but shrugged it off. "Don't hate me......or take this as a sign." Kailee says before pulling me towards the end of the dock, where a massive couples cruise ship was I let out a laugh and Kailee punched my that girl can pack a punch.

"Now now babe." She rolls her eyes but I can see a slight happy gleam in her eyes as we walk onto the cruise ship, she lets of my hand and runs over to the railings she stands on the lower one and I go over to support her. "It's just me, I got you." I say and I see her relax and closes her eyes and doesn't realise I pulled her off and had her dipped, I lean in close to her ear and whisper. "Open your eyes." She opens her eyes and sees our position, I grin and wiggle my eyebrows a bit she laughs and I lift her back up onto her own 2 feet.

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