Need sleep!

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Kailee's P.O.V.

I've been driving for hours on end and it's 8 in the morning! I drive over a bump to wake up A and he falls from the seats, I chuckle and he picks himself up and glares at me sleepily. "You look like hell." I chuckle and see his hair sticking up all over the place and his clothes are all rumpled.

"Jee, thanks!" He mutters sarcastically and climbs into the passenger seat, he obviously removed the guns before hand. "You look, like you did yesterday." I chuckle and let out a small yawn.

"That's because I didn't sleep in the back of a car, or actually sleep at all." A bites his lip and I raise an eyebrow.

"Aren't you tired?" I shake my head and stretch my fingers on the wheel.

"I've been trained to be able to survive on 5 hours of sleep in a week." I say and let out another yawn. "But I've been doing that for a month now, and I think it's about to catch up." I say simply, I look at A's face and see worry and fear I chuckle and shove his shoulder lightly. "Chill, I'm not going to crash."

"I know, but I'd rather you have some sleep." I sigh and glance at him, he still looks worn out.

"You still tired?" I ask and I see him glancing out the window.

"Yeah, only a little." I nod and glance out the window to think.

"I think there's a bed and breakfast near here." I say. "We're on our detour path." I say and he nods.

"I love this phone." He grumbles and I sigh.

"Keep the model ditch the sim and battery." I say in defeat and he grins.

"Thank you." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Even though you could buy it hundreds of times." He sighs and throws his hands up.

"Fine I'll bin it." I chuckle then see the B and B sign. I drive for 2 more minutes before finally pulling up, I hop out and drag the weapon bag out as A gets one of the clothes bags. I lock the car and together we walk inside the B and B, it's not the best but I've stayed in worse. I walk up to the reception desk confidently and plaster on a fake smile.

"Hello, me and my boyfriend would like a room please." The woman sighs and turns to her computer.

"Names?" I don't let my smile waver and obvs go for fake names.

"Ellie Roberts and Daniel Smith." I decide to use common names and she just types away.

"There's only one room left, but it's rather expensive." I wave a hand and she shrugs handing over 2 gold plated keys. "Enjoy the penthouse suit." I grin and I hear A start to choke on air, he quickly turns it into a cough. "How long will you be staying?" I bite my lip and look at the time.

"Just until tomorrow morning I believe." She nods and I hand over half the cash. She nods and points to the elevator before walking away to a staff room. I walk straight to the elevator and spin around to see A still stood there looking shocked. "You coming slow coach?" I ask and he shakes his head bringing him out of his state of shock. He walks over and comes to stand next to me then I click the top floor button.

"Boyfriend?" I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Don't get cocky A, I knew they only had one room left. Besides saves us money." I say simply and watch as we get closer to the top.

"Sureeeee!" He says stretching out the e, I roll my eyes and practically hear angels singing when the doors open. I quickly walk out and shove the key into the suits door, I swing it open and grin. Luxury!.......with one bed, oh snap!

"You take the couch." A says and jumps on the bed, I dump my bags next to the foot of the bed and jump on besides him.

"I don't think so!" I push him off and lean back doing what I like to call, the starfish! He gets up and scowls at me, I grin and shuffle over a bit and pat the space. He lets out a sigh of defeat and falls down besides me. "Looks like we're sharing." I mutter and glance at the side clock, ugh it not even 11 yet! I slip under the covers and mutter to A. "I need sleep." I hear him chuckle and I feel cold air on my back as he slips in, he snuggles close to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I'd normally yell at him and push it off etc, but I am way to tired and he's warm. I turn around and snuggle into his chest, it starts to vibrate so I punch him lightly and he calms down. He kisses the top of my head and gets comfy. "Night A."

"Night Kai." I grin and fall into a peaceful sleep.


I hope you liked this chapter it's not very interesting this time more like a filler but I hoped you did enjoy it and I hope you like how the bond between Kai and A is getting stronger bit by bit :) Please vote, comment, share and follow me if you like and check out my other books if you feel like it. Have a good day/ night :D Katie :D

Ps: I know I said I wanted 3 new votes but no one's really found my book yet :)

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