The diner.

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Kailee's P.O.V.

" long have you been a spy?" Andrew asks curiously, I smile and switch lanes.

"Well I've been training all my life but I've been doing missions since I was 12." He lets out a low whistle.

"So, who trained you?" My heart pangs as I think of my dad.

"My dad." I say simply. "No more question for now, wait until we're in private." I say even though we're in a car, he raises an eyebrow but doesn't push. A couple minutes later my stomach rumbles and Andrew chuckles, I smile and look around. "You hungry?" I ask, he nods a little and I spot a small side road diner....oh well, it'll do! I change to another lane and turn off to the small diner's driveway. I park in a free space as close to the door as possible.

I swiftly jump out and don't feel any peculiar eyes on me, I motion for Andrew to get out and quickly lock the car. He walks around to my side of the car and slings and arm over my shoulder, oh dear. I don't shrug him off and we walk into the diner to see it's roughly half full. And old waitress comes up to us and smiles a hearty smile at us. "Hello welcomes to Jim's Diner, table for 2?" She asks, we nod and she grins showing us to a table in the middle of the some other next to the large windows. "Here are some menus, call me when you're ready to order." She says and grins before walking to some other tables.

"What are you having?" Andrew asks, I glance at the menu and smile.

"Bacon sandwiches, you?" I ask and drop the menu next to me, he grins from across the table.

"I was going for the same." I chuckle and wave the waitress over.

"2 bacon sandwiches, and 2 coffee's?" I aim the coffee question at Andrew and he nods. "I'd like it black please." I say and hand the menu over.

"Milky, 1 sugar." She nods and takes the menu from Andrew. "Black?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah, need to stay awake until we can find a hotel or something." He nods and glances out the window.

"Cool an SUV!" I spin around and look out the window, my eyes widen and I grab some money out my bra. I stand up and grab A's hand. I run up to the old waitress who's actually in the kitchen.

"Here's the money, thanks." I grab some napkins and quickly wrap the sandwiches in them, I shove them into A's hand. "Don't drop them!" I hiss and run out the kitchens back door, I make sure to stick close to the wall and see two buff men walk out the SUV. Locking it behind them, so someone might or might not be inside. I watch as the men walk inside and talk to the people I run with A as their backs are turned and we crouch down low. I hear guns go off and A looks horrified, I shake my head and press and finger to my lips. He nods and I watch as the buff men climb back into the car and they drive off.

"Lets see if anyone's alive." I mutter and we jog back into the kitchen, all the staff are dead and when we get to the front I have to cover A's eyes. "They're all dead." I whisper until I hear a whimper and someone say shh. I glance at the woman's toilets and go fore ward, I swing the door open to find a woman and a small child hugging on the floor. Shit, A! I turn around and see A staring at all the blood and even some brains, I walk in front of him and grab his face so he's looking me in the eye. "No turning back." He nods and glances behind me, I turn to see the woman looking pale still hugging her crying daughter. "We won't hurt you, lets get out of here." I mutter and the woman nods standing up, we walk out the back and I look around at the cars.

"Which is yours?" I ask the woman, she points to a black mini and I nod. "I'm going to need you to wait until we're gone, I know it's getting dark but I need you to wait and when we're gone got the opposite way." She nods and motions to the left, I nod and she smiles.

"We live that way." I motion to the little girl.

"I can give you something that will make you both think this was a dream." She nods and I hand over a small vile. "Only one tea spoon each." I warn and she nods.

"Thank you!" I smile and open the cars doors. "Bye." I nod and close the car door. I motion to A to get into the car.

"Backseat, on the floor please." I say and he shrugs climbing in, I pull out some guns from the bag at the back and A's eyes widen in shock. "Oh please, how else are we getting out alive!" I hiss sarcastically and shut the door climbing into the drivers seat. I keep a gun on my lap and the rest on the passenger seat. "Keep down." I say and turn the car on, I drive out the diner and onto the deserted motorway...odd. I turn right and wait until I see a car following us, I then see the woman's car driving the other way. Nothing follows her so I open the window and click the safety off the gun, I spin out and start to shoot. I hit the windscreen and grab another gun, I aim for the tires and grin as it starts to swerve. I feel A pass me another gun and I shoot another tire and watch as they skid and crash into the edge wall. I grin and shoot the other tires for good measure.

I stick my head back in and close the window clicking the safety back on, I place the gun on the passenger seat and let out a sigh of relief. "My life is crazy!" I hear A mutter, I laugh and pat his head in the back.

"Welcome to the spy life, population 3479." He chuckles and I smile, I hear A yawn in the back. "Lay down and go to sleep, I'm hyper on caffeine and adrenalin."

"Mind if I eat first?" I chuckle and nod my head driving as calm as I can.

"As long as you save me some." He hands me a sandwich and I grab it with one hand. "Cheers."


Okay I only got one vote so if you enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment, and if you missed any of my other chapters when voting please go back and vote it would mean a lot to me. But I hoped you enjoyed! Please can I get 3 new votes on this book before I next upload, thanks. :D Katie :D <3 u all! xx

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