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A's P.O.V.

I fought and fought the man behind me as he tore me away from the car where Kai was lying there bleeding, I let out a grunt and elbowed him in the chest. I ran back but someone else grabbed me, then the one I'd hit grabs my legs tightly cutting off the circulation. "Let me go!" They just continued to walk. "She could die!" I yell at them. "She's bleeding!" I yell at them again, the one I kicked seemed to be pissed but he didn't sound it when he spoke those three scary words.

"Knock him out!" That's when I felt something being jabbed into my neck and I fell limp into their arms as the drugged up darkness consumed my mind.


I let my eyes open and they slowly adjust to the dark dingy cell like room, I was laid on the freezing cold tiled floor and it seems like I'm the only one down here. "Hello?" I call out curiously.

"Shhhh, he'll hear you!" A young sounding female voice whispers.

"Oh sorry, I'm Andrew by the way and you are......?" I ask whisper over to her, I watch as she comes into the light that is through the tiny crack in her cell wall.

"I'm Olivia, but my friends call me Liv or O-Liv." I let out a smile and she smiles a sad one back.

"Why are you here?" I ask her and scoot closer to the bars near her.

"I'm here for ransom my dad's quite rich and this man will do anything for money, I'm assuming you must be Andrew Anderson." I nos my head and she smiles. "Thought so." She says more to herself than to me.

"Are we the only 2 here?" I ask her and she nods. "So what's your story?" She slides down onto the floor besides me and pokes me through the bars.

"You first?" I shrug and tell her all about me, my family and Kai.

"I really miss her and if she's dead because of these guys I will kill them myself!" Liv puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a sad smile.

"I think she'll be okay, I can tell you love her to much to let her go." I nod my head and she removes her hand slowly.

"I really do. Okay, your story!" She sighs but nods her head.

"Okay. Well like I said my dad's really rich and my family all want a perfect daughter but honestly I'm not perfect and I don't do everything they want. Apparently I'm not an angel like my little sister, honestly! Then there's my boyfriend, he's amazing and accepts me no matter what but my dad won' pay the ransom and he can't so I fear I'll be stuck here forever until the day I die....which might be soon if no one pays." She says letting a quiet sob rack her body.

"It's okay, when Kai comes I promise to take you with us and then we can take you to your boyfriend." She smiles a sad smile and shakes her head.

"It's not going to happen." She says sadly.

"Why not?" I ask defensively.

"Because it's impossible!" I let out a laugh and reach through to pat her shoulder.

"Not for Kai, not for my little teenage spy." Liv shrugs and I think back to all the heroic things Kai has ever done since the time I've known her.

"Wishful thinking can get you killed in here." Liv says darkly.

"Why are you so against the idea of being rescued?" I say hotly removing my hand.

"Because I've been here for 4 months! Abused, almost raped on many occasions and called touched in such a way only my future husband should be able to touch!" Liv says with tears streaming down her pale face, her eyes slightly red and puffy already.

"Shhh don't cry, they won't hurt you anymore. I know Kai and even if she doesn't save us she will try everything she can, she might even risk herself for us!" Liv stands up and walks away to the furthest corner she can.

"Hope will kill me from the inside and wishful thinking from the outside." Liv mutters to herself before the door is slammed open, blocking a lot of light is a buff figure......oh great!


Okay pretty much just wrote all of it, I hope you like it! How do you feel about Olivia?! Like her? Hate her? Tell me because I was thinking of doing a spin off for her character. Right school is a drag obviously and it's only my second day, hope your day has been better than mine! Vote? Comment? Share? Whatever you feel up to please do, it makes me happy and smile! :D Love you my little lovehearts! <3 xx :D Katie :D

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