Bust your window

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Kailee's P.O.V.

I'm once again lying on this extremely comfy rug listening to Andrew go on about English. "Look I'm confused I say cutting him out of his little speech." He raises an eyebrow but doesn't complain I cut him off.

"About?" I sit up and take a sip of my juice.

"How you're failing English, your answers are better than mine." I say shaking my head, he bites his lip and looks around not meeting my eyes, I narrow my own at him and he fidgets a little. "Andrew, what's going on?" I ask and he glances at me, and I see real fear in his eyes. Oh god, it's serious. He opens his mouth but a brick suddenly smashes the window, I jump up and watch as a man comes flying into the room. "ANDREW HIDE!" I scream at him and I hear him run slightly but I can't see where as a fist comes flying to my face, I catch it and swing the guy into the wall. More come pouring in and I'm outnumbered, but.....it's never stopped me before. I manage to knock them all out and when I'm finally done one bead of sweat trickles from my forehead, I wipe it away but it's red. Blood.

I groan and glance at the mirror above the fireplace which only has a tiny crack from where I smash a guys head in. I swipe my fringe away to see a deep gash, oh well at least they don't have guns. I shrug and glance around the room not seeing anyone moving, where's Andrew? "Andrew you can come out now." I say casually, but it raises slightly at the end when I see a hand twitch. I stalk over to them and kick them in the head, idiot. I hear a guns safety being un clicked and I freeze, I don't turn around and do a round house kick making the gun fly to the other side of the room. I stop when I see who it is, Andrew. "What the heck Andrew?!" I say relaxing my stance, he backs away looking terrified.

"S...stay a....way." He stutters out, I glance at my hand to see a knife. I shove it back in my boot and stand up straight. "Kailee!" He calls out, I reach behind me and grab a wrist I pin the guy to the wall his arm behind his back.

"Who do you work for?" I hiss into his ear, he stays silent and I slam him into the wall yanking his arm further up his back. "I said, who do you work for?!" I see him flinch.

"Your nemesis." I hear him mutter before he stabs himself, I let him fall to the floor in disgust.

"Shit!" I say and punch the wall leaving a giant dent. I spin around and fall to the floor, I lean my head back and take deep breaths. Not this again!

"Kailee?" I hear Andrew whisper quietly, I look at him through one eye. "What are you?" I sigh and hold a hand out, he looks worried and I huff.

"I've not got the strength to do anything to you, I need help getting up." I see him having an internal debate and finally he helps me off. "Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask and he nods. He drops me on the couch and goes a cupboard, I pull out my cellphone and dial speeddial to the HQ's office. "Hey, it's Agent K I need a clean up crew at the Alexander's house. Yeah, okay. Over and out." Yes we use over and out why I wish I knew. I watch as Andrew comes back and hands over everything I need.

"Agent K?" I sigh and pull out a wipe.

"You'll find out sooner or later, I'd prefer later. Okay? We need to talk to your parents!" I say seriously and try to clean the cut but fail, Andrew takes the wipe and carefully cleans my head up. "Thanks." He nods and places the first aid kit on the coffee table. "Can we find your parents now?" I ask trying to stand up, god I must of lost more blood than I thought. He helps me up and I lean on him, we walk out the hall and down the stairs. What we find in the kitchen is not pretty, Natalie is unconscious and Mr A is bleeding. "I'll see to your dad." I say seriously and shuffle over to him, I get onto my kneed and check him over. A bullet is lodged in his shoulder, luckily he passed out and the pain musn't of hit him.

The doors bursts open and the clean up crew barge in, followed by paramedics. The paramedics rush over to us and I point upstairs to the clean up crew. They rush up and I stay down here as the paramedics check over both parents. I hear another set of feet and see my cousin Felix grinning at me, I jump up and fling myself at him. "Felix!" I say happily as his arms drag me into a bear hug.

"Hey cuz miss me?" He ruffles my hair and sees the cut. "Do you ever not injure yourself in a fight K?" I grin and shake my head.

"Nope!" He chuckles and kisses my nose.

"Excuse me, Kailee. There's a note here for you." I take the note from the paramedic and rip it open.

Dear Kailee,

I know you must be confused dear, and no my son isn't failing English. But he's in terrible danger as I'm sure you've already guessed. I need you to protect him, he can't die. Don't worry about me and Natalie we'll be fine. We got a note a couple weeks ago saying that we were to be injured and our son to be killed, so we did the only thing we could think off. We hired a spy. Please look after our boy, get away from America as soon as you can.

From Natalie and Johnathan.

"Felix." I whisper, he squeezes my shoulder and quickly re reads the note over my shoulder.

"It's time to run!" He whispers and hands me a prepacked bag. Run?!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) Please vote, comment and enjoy :D Katie :D

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