Hostage and escape

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Kailee's P.O.V.

We were now in a black SUV heading towards the 'secret lair', I scoffed at that but they couldn't do anything. A looked really scared besides me, I rest my head on his shoulder and quickly write a little note where no one can see. A don't worry, when you can escape I'll give you a about rubbing my eye pointing towards the way you should go. Okay wait until we're in the lair. Kai...I love you xx I slide it into his pocket and he acts natural as he can, I then take his hand in mine. I knew he still had his gun, mine was taken from me but I still had my knife in my bra. "So....we there yet?" I ask curiously, they all roll their eyes. I knew all these guys it wasn't my first time seeing these guys, I think I even knew all their names and I pretty much did this ever car ride.

"No." They answer, I smirk and then ask their most hated question.

"Do you mind PDA?" I ask sweetly, they grimace and cover their eyes and ears. I reach into A's pants and kiss him hiding the gun behind my back, I slide it onto silent and shoot the guy besides me. I then pass it to A who shoots the guy next to the driver, we could end up going off track. "Hey dude who's driving, wind down a window a bit I'm over heating back here. And I don't have a drink, please?!" He grunts but it goes down ever so slightly, I breath in and scan the area. I knew this place, I look at A and glance at the door. He nods and I quickly push him and the guard besides him, I then hold the gun towards the drivers head. "Do you want to be shot?!" I then feel arms pull away and the gun and pin them behind my back, I glance back to see another guard hauling A back into the car. I sigh and sit down again, but this time I wasn't aloud near A. I knew it seemed to easy, but the more guards I took down the easier it was to escape. I was glad the window stayed down, I write another note and quickly grab a pebble from my boot. I then throw it outside while no one's looking, they look around when they hear the thunk but decide it was nothing.

When we're roughly shoved out the car in take in the place, I'd been here once before but I wasn't held captive I was working out escape routes. They lead me in through the front entrance and then lead us down into the basement, they tie our hands and bind our feet before throwing us into cells next to each other. "Master will be down in an hour, enjoy your goodbyes." The man laughs and then everyone leaves closing the door behind them.

"Is there a guard down here?" I call out. "I need assistance, I'm going to be dead before the so called master gets here." No one comes over even moves, I grin and bum shuffle towards A's cell. He copies and I face forward. "Face backwards and find the pocket in my right cup, don't wimp out." I say simply, he gulps and holds his hand out towards me. I move my chest and he slides it down my top, he skims my breast but I can't focus on that. He finds the pocket quickly and slips it out my bra. I turn around and we both move our heads to watch him cut my binds, I grin and take the knife before cutting his off in one move. We both untie our feet, I get up and grab my hair pin. I stretch it out and unlock my cell, the door stays silent and I walk towards A's. I unlock his and he steps out. We grin before walking away, I motion for him to stay close to me and follow. I look around and try to remember the best escape route, I then decide the trap secret passage way is best. I pull on a candle and the wall moves without a sound, we slip in and it quickly closes behind us.

The passage way actually leads towards the woods, I spot the light and we stop short. The wood had a lot of guards, I had gone further down. I drag A along and we end up in a study, I motion to the air vent and pull it off. I slide in first then A, he puts the gate back before following me. I try to decide on where to go, towards the front side entrance maybe? I go to the left and spot the exit door, there was no one inside and this room was still abandoned because the only way to get in was the vent or the blocked door. I jump down and A follows, I glance out the window and see it was a mini car park for all their cars. I decide on an SUV and I head outside first, I make sure the coast is clear before walking towards the SUV closest to us. I test to door and suppress a groan when it's locked, I grab my pin and quick unlock it. I then look around and wave A over, I open the door and he jumps in. I find the spare keys taped under my seat, we quickly shut our doors and I start the car. I peel out the car park and down the road, I notice it's pretty deserted....wait, where were we. I throw the GPS out the window knowing they could track us...oh god does this have a tracker on it?

10 minutes later I was pulling into a multi story car park, it had a few abandoned cars and we quickly swapped. We went for some weird car and luckily it started and it wasn't that also had a bit of fuel. I checked for a tracker and noticed none, we quickly drove out and towards a gas station. I got A to fill it up and quickly payed the man, I bought food and drinks to. I started to drive and spotted an SUV, we stayed where we were before driving out.

No one should suspect us, apart from if they look at our faces. I had bought 2 hats so I quickly pass one to A, we both slide them on and head towards their motor way. "Do you think they'll find us?" A asks glancing at me.

"I doubt it, come on lets find a bank so I can draw some money...then we'll buy some phones, then a couple guns." He raises an eyebrow.

"I know a guy." I say with a smile before driving a bit faster.


Kind of rushed I know sorry, but it's not awful...right?! Tell me what you think please lovehearts! :D Katie :D

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