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I walked out of the crocodile enclosure. After Ashley went to help Bindi with the otters, I changed into my khakis as well and went to help feed the crocs. 

As I was walking around the zoo, seeing if anyone else was needing help with anything, I saw Ashley. I smiled, happy to see her and was going to see if she wanted to help feed the tigers or something, but then I saw Jackson with her. My heart sank, part of me was hoping they wouldn't work out, and she'd turn to me as she does and I could then tell her how I feel.

I realised that they were walking towards me. I didn't wanna ruin their moment or anything, so I kept my head down in hopes that either of them wouldn't notice me. Sure, I've hung out with Jackson a few times and have seen him around the zoo, but I wasn't fond of him. He's the type of person I'd be nice to, just because that's who I am as a person, but I wouldn't go out of my way to talk to him or hang out with him. We had hung out a few times before when we were younger, but that was before I knew what kind of person he was and how he treated women. I wouldn't go as far as to say we were mates or anything.

Luckily they didn't notice me as I walked by, but I could hear a bit of their conversation. 

"So, Ashley," Jackson said, "would you like to go out sometime, like a date?"

"Oh, I'd love to!" She replied. I could tell she was smiling from the tone of her voice. 

I shook my head and walked on to the tiger exhibit, going behind it into the little handler's room to help prep their food. Before I could take the food out to them, I got a text from Ashley.

Ash: hey Tarzan where are you?

Me: tigers, feeding time

Ash: I'm on my way :)

Me: sweet as :)

I was still happy to see her, she just had a way of lighting up the room. Her smile, her eyes, even her personality was just so breathtaking, and you don't find that in just anyone. She was just amazing, both inside and out. 

Soon enough she joined me in the handler's room. 

"Let's feed some tigers!" She said enthusiastically. 

We went into the enclosure and started tossing the tigers chunks of meat, a crowd gathered as we did. 

"Sooo Jackson asked me out," she said. 

"Oh did he?" I replied, trying to sound like I was happy for her while also trying not to give away the fact that I eavesdropped on their conversation a bit. 

"Yeah, he wants to go to Noosa Beach Sunday, so the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, that sounds nice. Hey, you can show off your surfing skills!" I joked, earning a laugh from her. What I didn't tell her was that now that I knew where they were going, I was also going to drive out there and keep an eye on them, especially with Ashley just now learning how to surf. Something just didn't sit right with me about the whole situation. 

"Oh, your surfboards are still on the top of my Jeep, could I just borrow them until then and I can bring them back over after?" She asked, reaching for the last chunk of meat at the bottom of the bucket. 

"Go ahead!" I said, and then my walkie talkie crackled.

"Hey Robert, have you seen Ashley?" Mum's voice came through.

"Yeah, she's feeding the tigers with me, what's up?" I asked, looking at Ashley who already appeared anxious.

"Get to the wildlife hospital, as soon as you can," mum replied. 

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now