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I sat at the table, watching the time on my phone eagerly. We had just finished eating and opening up gifts as a family, and Chandler's parents were here too, so we had a nice full house. However, Chandler's parents were going to stay here while we went and released Noosa, they're still a bit jet lagged and adjusting to the time change when they're here is always a struggle for them. 

I was watching Grace play with the Bluey toys I got her. She was sitting in the chair next to me and playing with them on the table. I smiled at her, she was the cutest kid and I was so proud to be her Funcle. 

I reached over and gently grabbed one of the figures, playing with her. Everyone else was still at the table too, but Bindi, Chandler, Mum, and Chandler's parents were all talking. I was mostly not paying attention to them, but thinking about Ashley. 

I was hoping that lunch with her uncle was going well and that yesterday evening wasn't going to repeat itself, not just today but ever. I couldn't wait to see her and hug her once she got here. And I was even more excited to watch Christmas movies with her after releasing Noosa, just to be able to have some "alone time" with her, where we could both just be ourselves and enjoy each other's company. 

I was hoping she'd want to hang out here to watch Christmas movies, that way she could be out of her house for a longer amount of time. Plus, I wanted to set up our living room couch as a cosy space for us. It's an L-shaped couch but it can be moved around and rearranged to make a kind of bed-shaped thing, and I was going to pile it with comfy blankets and pillows. We already had popcorn and snacks, and the Christmas tree in our living room would make things extra cosy. I'm sure she would love it. 

My phone vibrated and I jumped to grab it as quickly as I could, hoping it was Ashley letting me know that she was on her way. 

Ash: hey tarzan, mum and I are on our way :)

I smiled at my phone. Finally, she'd be here any minute and I'd be able to see her and know for sure she was mostly okay. She said she was fine on the phone last night and over text, but she's good at hiding the truth in those kinds of situations. In-person, her face always gives away how she's really feeling. It was another thing I loved about her and it made it easy to tell if I was doing the right thing or not with her. 

Me: sweet as! don't forget the biscuits ;)

Ash: I know you'd never let me live it down if I did

I chuckled softly at my phone. I was sure I looked ridiculous, sitting here smiling and laughing a bit at my phone. 

"Let me guess," Bindi said, making me look up to see that she was talking to me. "Ashley and her mum are on their way?" 

I felt my face turn red. I was right, I did look ridiculous. Leave it to Bindi to point it out in front of everyone. But what are siblings for, if not embarrassing you just a little bit?

"Oh," I said, "was it that easy to tell?"

"Robert, smiling and laughing at your phone is a dead giveaway that Ashley is involved somehow," Mum said, making everyone laugh. 

"Okay, you got me there," I said, laughing. 

"Did she say how lunch with her uncle went?" Bindi asked, turning more towards me than Chandler's parents. 

"She didn't say, but you'll just have to ask Ashley when they get here," I said. Bindi gave me a knowing look like she was hoping as much as I was that Ashley was doing better today. 

"Ashy?" Grace said suddenly. She was starting to talk already, little words here and there but not quite full sentences. 

Bindi gasped with excitement. "Yes, Grace! Ashley. Good job!" Bindi cheered her on. I smiled again. 

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