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As Ashley helped me with paperwork and some of the simpler things around the zoo, I couldn't help but stare at her. I couldn't help but notice the twinkle in her eyes and the sweet sound of her laughter as I cracked jokes. I couldn't believe she finally agreed to give us a chance. I was always a happy person, but she made me happier. 

Sometimes, with my family being in the spotlight so much, I can't help but feel like there is so much pressure on me and that I need to be perfect and show the media this one side of me. With Ashley, it's not like that. With her, I can be myself. I can show her all sides of me and not feel any judgement. She truly accepts me for who I am, not for who everyone else wants me to be. It's been like this since we were little, but to be with her on a deeper level was different. 

After she left, I did some more feedings around the zoo. I was finishing up feeding the snakes when I got a text from Ashley. 

Ash: hey, we're heading back to the zoo now. meet at the hospital? :)

Me: sweet as! tour?

Ash: sweet as :)

I hopped in my golf cart and made my way back to the Wildlife Hospital. I was excited to see Ashley again, even if I had just seen her earlier this morning. Any time I had with her was important to me, no matter how much time it was. 

I went into the break room and made myself a cuppa, and I decided to make one for Ashley too, I know she would appreciate it. I sat down with my tea, waiting for Ashley and her mum's friend to show up. I thought about this morning, how Ashley and I almost kissed before Bindi scared us both. I think I messed it up by jumping and hitting Ashley in the face. I knew she wasn't mad at me or anything, it was a complete accident. But I felt bad for giving her a bloody nose.

"Well you remember the Wildlife Hospital, I'm sure," I could hear Ashley's voice down the hall. 

"Oh, of course! It's improved so much over the years," came another woman's voice, who I imagine was Laurie's friend. 

"And the break room, including one Robert Irwin," Ashley said as she walked in, giggling. 

"I made you some tea," I said, pushing the second cup close to the side of the table where she was standing. 

"Oh, thank you! This is Elaine and Cait," she said, motioning to the woman and girl our age behind her. She brought the mug up to her lips and took a sip.

"How's it going?" I said, getting up and offering my hand to shake. Both women shook my hand. 

"Wonderful! We're so happy to be back and even happier to be building our house and being able to come to the zoo full time, your mum offered both of us positions," Elaine said as they both sat down.

"Oh, that's wonderful! I know you've done some work here before, Elaine. I don't believe Cait has?" I asked

"No, I was too young to volunteer when we lived here before. But I've helped my mum with the research she's been doing and I'm really wanting to be more active in saving our wildlife," Cait spoke, but I wasn't paying much attention. I heard her, but I was looking at Ashley. She was watching Cait intently as she spoke, and her brown hair was a mop of curls. Her blue shirt looked good on her and brought out the tones of her skin and made her eyes seem more grey than green. And she still had on the necklace I gave her. 

"Oh, that would be lovely. There's plenty to do around here, we can definitely use any extra help," Ashley said. I watched the way she tapped on the mug with her nails. She turned towards me and smiled. "Well, shall we start the tour then?" 

"Yeah, let's get on it," I replied, grabbing our cups and getting up to set them in the sink. 

Ashley and I showed them around the zoo, her and I walking a few steps ahead of them. I debated on grabbing her hand and holding it, but I decided not to. I didn't know if there would be any media here today, and I knew Ashley and I weren't officially dating yet so we didn't want to go public and try to deal with that headache just yet.

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