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I pressed play on my music, keeping it at a lower volume while Robert was driving out of the parking lot. I knew if he was comfortable with it being louder, he could turn it up himself. 

I was feeling much better, and I was definitely glad to be out of the house for the night. I was annoyed by my mum's attitude when she asked if I was going to Robert's, but I didn't care. She knew that this was the plan, and she shouldn't have expected me to change my mind on something that she knew I was looking forward to. 

But I didn't have to worry about that right now- I was with Robert, and going over to his place and spending time with him. Whatever my mum had to say to me wasn't that big of a deal, and it could wait until tomorrow. 

I sighed, wishing my mum was still the way she was when Dad was around. I have tons of good memories from back then, adventures with them, Mum and I having cosy Sunday mornings on the couch, and so much more. She was happier then, and I knew losing Dad really took a toll on her. She lost herself for a little bit, and although our relationship wasn't necessarily "strained", she was distant and either working or just not there as much these days. I hope she finds herself again. 

"Love, can you see that?" Robert said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned from looking out the window to see him leaning over the steering wheel slightly, squinting. I followed his gaze to see a brownish streak on the side of the road ahead of us. 

"Yeah, I see it. It's not a stick, is it?" I asked, trying to think of what else it could be. 

"I don't think so, I'm hoping it's not a carpet python that's been hit," He said, downshifting and slowing down the ute. He pulled over to the side of the road, coming to a stop a few feet in front of the possible snake. 

I slipped my shoes on and jumped out of the ute at the same time as Robert. I followed him as he carefully approached it, and as it came into view, I realised it was indeed a carpet python. 

"Wow, it's amazing that you could tell he was a snake from such a distance, I thought maybe a branch but he's a bit different in colour than the trees here," I said, looking around. I took in the trees, which were slightly different in colour than the snake, but with his patterns, he would blend into the brush and the plants on the ground beautifully. 

Robert was already kneeling on the ground, checking out the snake. I went and kneeled beside him but still a step or two behind him. I still wasn't fully comfortable around reptiles like Robert was, but it was something that I was slowly working up to. I preferred the lizards to snakes, but I think that was because I've seen Robert get bit by the carpet pythons before. Someday, though, I wanted to help feed crocs too, during one of the croc shows. 

I watched as Robert carefully stretched out his hands and touched the snake, slipping one hand under it so he could lift it up. I watched as he held the python up, examining it for any signs of injury from a car.

"Well, he looks to be in good shape," Robert said, continuing his inspection of the snake. 

"Well, should we just snap some photos of him and then put him over in the grass?" I asked, already reaching for my phone in my back pocket. I figured this was what Robert planned to do, as this was the usual routine when we found animals on the side of the road or when going on our little adventures. We'd take nothing but photos, and move the animal somewhere safe. Sometimes that boy could be so predictable. 

"Yep! The usual routine," He said, seeming to realise where my thoughts were without me even having to say anything.  I laughed slightly at it, it was like we were on the same wavelength. Well, at least 95% of the time. 

"Here, you hold him up and I'll try to get some good photos," I said, holding my phone in one hand and carefully reaching out to gently pet the snake on the head. 

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now