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I was sitting out on Chandler's surfboard in the water, out on Noosa beach. I did decide to come here to follow Ashley and Jackson, just to make sure things went well. I sat a good 30 or so feet from them, far enough to give them space but close enough to see if anything happened. 

I looked over at them, I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but it looked like they were arguing or something. Then Ashley laid on the surfboard and paddled further into the water and away from Jackson. 

I was nervous, Ashley only just now started surfing, and she was going out way too far on her own. And there is also always the chance of sharks in the water here. 

I think she glanced over at me, but I know how curious Ashley is about her surroundings so I figured she was just looking around. I looked away, I didn't want her to notice me, I'm sure she'd never let me live it down if she did notice. 

Suddenly, she disappeared underwater. I laid down on my surfboard and paddled towards her. I couldn't see Jackson or the other surfboard anywhere so it wasn't possible for him to have pulled her under the water as some sick joke. 

As I approached, I heard her screaming and could see her waving her arms. I paddled faster towards her, and immediately assumed the worst- she had been grabbed by a shark. She pulled herself halfway onto the surfboard and started trying to paddle closer to me, as I was the closest one to her. I finally go to where she was and I could see blood pulling around her. 

"Are you okay miss?" I said, partially as a joke but also so she wouldn't realise who I was right away, I didn't want that confusing her or causing her to panic more. I reached out and grabbed her arm.

And then she blacked out. 

I pulled her all the way up onto her surfboard and pushed her towards the shore as I paddled the both of us there. I could see the lifeguard was already rushing down from his tower as we got closer to the shore. I was thankful for that cause I had no idea how I would have gotten her to the hospital otherwise. 

I dragged her onto the sand, my surfboard trailing behind me as it was still attached to my ankle. I quickly undid the strap and went over the Ashley, where the lifeguard was already looking at her. 

There was a nasty bite on her calf, but it didn't look like the muscle was too damaged and her leg could be saved. 

"I saw her thrashing about out there and called the ambulance, they should be here any minute now. Are you her boyfriend?" The lifeguard asked as he used a towel to apply pressure to Ashley's leg to slow the bleeding. 

"No, she's just a friend of mine. I didn't know she'd be out here today. I saw her thrashing about and went to help but realised it was her," I explained, I didn't want to admit that I knew she would be here and seem like some sort of stalker or something.

"She's lost a bit of blood but I reckon she'd be alright," He replied.

I nodded, grabbing Ashley's hand. Finally, the paramedics arrived and ran out to us. They checked her over, making sure she was still breathing and that she had just fainted from losing so much blood. 

"Alright, well, we got to take her back and get her stable. She'll need stitches. Are you coming with her?" The paramedic asked me. 

"Yes, please. She's like a sister to me and I can't leave her," I replied. 

"Okay, we're going to carry her to the ambulance on the surfboard, and we will meet you there," he replied. 

I grabbed my surfboard and ran to where I set my stuff, which was thankfully close to where Ashley and Jackson set their beach stuff, as I recognized the umbrella and beach blanket. I grabbed my backpack, shirt, and shoes and ran to the ambulance, getting into the back of it. 

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