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I walked back home, thinking about what just happened. I couldn't imagine what Ashley was going through, or what was going through her head about all of the family stuff she had going on. But was there something else going on? 

Was I doing something wrong? I didn't think that was the case, I was doing my best with her and trying to remind her how much I cared about her and how beautiful she was to me all the time.

I should try harder, try to do more things for her, I thought. 

But God, I hated seeing that she had hurt herself. I was so glad that I had the feeling to go check on her, who knows if it would've been worse. I just had a feeling something was wrong since I knew she was meeting her uncle today and she wasn't answering any of my calls or texts. 

I walked into my house, carefully closing the door behind me. I texted Ashley to let her know I was home. 

"Well, there you are. Is Ashley okay?" I heard Mum's voice say. I turned over to see her and Bindi sitting at the dining table. 

"Where's Chandler?" I asked, dodging the question for a second. 

"He's at home, putting Grace to bed. I was helping Mum with some paperwork, as you can see," Bindi said, gesturing to the papers scattered across the table. She held a mug of tea in her hands. "But you didn't answer the question. Is Ashley okay? Oh, and did you find whatever equipment you were looking for?"

"And what happened to your shirt?" Mum asked, nodding to the small bloodstain Ashley left on my shirt.

I pulled a chair out at the table before sitting down in it. I thought about what I was going to say to my mum and Bindi. Do I tell them what just happened, or do I only give them a partial truth? 

"Uhm..." I started, choosing my words carefully. "I lied about the camera equipment. It's upstairs in my room somewhere, probably in one of my drawers, but I needed an excuse to check on her." 

Mum raised an eyebrow. "Robert, you need to be honest. I'm your mother," she said sternly. "I know you and Ashley are in this sort of relationship type of situation, but you don't need to lie to me to go see her. You two have been friends forever, and even just as friends you need to be there for her." 

"Okay, it won't happen again," I said. "But I got there after her uncle left. And uhm...she was crying on her bathroom floor and...Look, you two can't say anything to her or Laurie, but Ashley hurts herself. She hadn't done it in a while, but she had done it right before I got there. And...And I didn't know what to do so I cleaned it up and took care of her and just held her and she cried and I just felt so bad that she did it. I tried calling her and texting her and she didn't answer and that's why I ran over there, to make sure she was okay. And I-I should've gone sooner and maybe she wouldn't have done it but I just don't know what to do about the whole situation." 

I felt a few tears roll down my face, but I didn't wipe them away. This was just Mum and Bindi, there was no reason to try to put on a facade and pretend not to have these feelings because I was a guy. 

I looked at both of them, Bindi's eyes were teary too, and Mum looked confused, but also concerned. 

"I know," Mum said quietly. "Laurie told me that she used to do it, mostly because of being bullied at school and stuff. She thought it was just a typical teenage girl thing and that Ashley would get through it on her own and ignored my advice when I said that maybe Ashley needed some help." 

She took a deep breath, looking at me sadly. 

"I knew, too," Bindi said. "I noticed the scars on her arm a few years ago. I never brought it up to her or Laurie because it isn't my place, but I've always tried a little harder since then to be there for her."

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now