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"So, what else did you get for Christmas?" I asked, looking at Robert as he drove towards the beach. Sure, it was only an hour or so drive, but any time with Robert was a good time for me. 

I reached down and pushed the camera bag toward the center of the floor, so it was between our legs more and not taking up my leg room.

"Mum got me some more film for my camera and a new case. Bindi, Chandler, and Grace got me a huge Star Wars Lego set," Robert said, smiling. His smile was contagious, so I smiled too. 

"Ooh. Okay, so hear me out. We put that together at your place later and then Christmas movies, popcorn, biscuits, and everything else like we usually do. That is if you still want to do Christmas movies tonight," I said hopefully. 

"Of course I do! Watching Christmas movies together has become a ritual for us when you and your mum stay here in Australia for the holiday."

"Well, after yesterday, I just don't want to be...too much, ya know?" I said, looking down at my wrist. 

"Love, you can never be too much. You're just the right amount," He said, glancing over at me. 

He reached his hand over and held mine, giving it three little squeezes. I smiled slightly and gave three little squeezes back. 

"I love that that's a thing we do," I said. 

"Me too. But yeah, putting together the Lego set is a good idea. We can do that and our usual Christmas Movie Marathon. I'm glad you thought about doing our movie night at my place. I was going to suggest it and kind of help you get out of your house a bit."

"Yeah, I understand. I know I need it. In other news, lunch with my uncle went relatively well. I'm still incredibly anxious about our big family meeting. Which, might I mention, my uncle said he wanted to have soon. Like before New Year's soon." 

I went to scratch at my wrist as a reaction to my anxiety, but Robert was still holding my hand. I felt that letting go of his hand just to pick at the forming scabs would draw too much attention to it, so I decided against it. Instead, I focused on his hand. 

He had tons of little scars covering the back of his hand from his work with the animals. Some of the scars were from being bitten by various animals, others from his day-to-day work with them. His scars were so...Normal, so him. I don't know if it was because they weren't intentional like mine, but his scars didn't draw away from the beauty of himself as a whole, while I felt like mine did. 

"I'm sure it'll be okay. I know your mum probably wouldn't like me being there as I am not a direct member of your family, but I can like hide out in your room or something," He said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I could tell by the tone of his voice and the little smirk on his face that he was only half joking. 

"Yeah, actually, that might be a good idea," I replied, laughing slightly. 

I ran a fingertip from the opposite hand over his knuckles, taking the time to feel every bump and dip and every slightly raised scar. I memorised the shape and feel of his hand, the way his callused fingers lightly rubbed against my knuckles as he held my hand. 

Music played quietly over the radio and I sat with one leg tucked under me. My fingers wandered up his arm, tracing the random little scars here and there and feeling his muscles. 

I scooched over a bit, getting close enough to rest my head on his shoulder. I fiddled with the edge of his sleeve while the hand holding his rested in my lap. 

"You okay, darlin'?" He asked. I tilted my head to look up at him to see him glance down at me. 

"Hey, eyes on the road," I said chuckling, but also dodging the question.

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now