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A/N: long chapter ahead, enjoy!

"I'm fairly certain he would," Robert said, smiling back at me. I couldn't help but get excited when talking about art. Robert did the same when he talked about animals, wildlife conservation, and photography. I appreciated that he always tried to listen, even if he may not understand every word I say when rambling about art. He always tried his best and that's what mattered.

"Well, that was nice of her to bring us lunch," Robert said once we finished our lunch with Cait, who then went off to go do more zebra stuff.

"Yeah, it sure was. It was good too, I love the sandwiches there," I said.

"Yeah, it's all good food."

"Yeah, but Robert you'll eat just about anything," I laughed.

"Yeah, that's true."

We sat there and hung out for a bit more. My mood was a bit better, and I wasn't feeling so bad about my mom being busy.

"Well, what do you reckon? Are you up for going and doing something or talking to my mum?" Robert said, breaking the silence that was only filled by the distant sounds of animal calls and my pencils on my paper.

"Well, let me text Bindi and see when she wants to do the otter demonstration. It is only around 1:00 now," I said. I texted Bindi as I mentioned, and set my phone down to wait for her response.

"Yeah, and then if you have to go do that you can talk to my mum after and then we can find something to do for the rest of the afternoon."

"Exactly. And if Bindi wants to do it a bit later, we can talk to your mum first."

"Sweet as."

I was nervous about talking to Terri. I knew she wouldn't be mean about it if she didn't like our idea or anything, but it was still nerve-wracking to think about talking to her in a professional capacity like that. Plus, I really do like the idea and think it'll be a neat thing to add to the zoo.

Bindi texted me back. I opened my phone and read the message aloud.

"Oh, that would be Bindi. 'Does 2:00 work for you? Got busy and just now about to sit and eat' she said. That'll work, and give us plenty of time to pitch our idea to your mum," I said.

"Sweet as! I reckon she might be in her office," Robert said, pushing his chair back and cleaning our mess of food wrappers and cups off of the table.

I got up and followed Robert through the halls of the Wildlife Hospital to Terri's office. The door was opened but Robert gave it a light knock to let her know we were there.

"Hey, kids! What are you two up to?" She said, looking up from her paperwork at us. I know she preferred being on hands with the animals and a part of the action, but the behind-the-scenes stuff and paperwork were all still very important to running things here at the zoo.

"Well, I'm about to do an otter demonstration with Bindi in about an hour," I said.

"And I'll find something helpful to do. But first, we had an idea we wanted to pitch to you," Robert said, as we both sat down in some of the chairs in the office.

"Oh no. With you two, there's no telling what shenanigans you are planning," Terri joked, laughing and sitting back in her chair. She set down the papers she was looking at and looked at the both of us, smiling.

"Well, hang on, we think you'll like this one," I said.

"Well, go ahead."

"Well, Ashley was talking about how much she loves art and animals and how she wants to be able to do both. I figured that she could literally do both with this idea," Robert said.

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now