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I sat there watching the koalas, drawing pictures of the joeys, their little hands and fuzzy ears. I checked my phone, it was around 9:00 am now. I just had to wait for Robert to find the last clue and come find me.

I started humming as I drew, bringing my knees up slightly so I could hold my sketchbook better. I figured Robert would be here any moment, as when was always quick to solve my puzzles or find me when we were younger. Sometimes I wonder why we ever stopped with our childish antics, but then I remembered how hard high school was for me and how much I was in my own head a lot of the time. Sure, I had the zoo and my family and Robert, but sometimes it was hard to shake what other students had said to me and some of the bullying I went through.

I was determined to move forward now. I had this developing relationship with Robert, that hopefully would go somewhere. I doubted that Robert and I were going to get married, but that's okay. It would be a privilege to be with him and experience him on a romantic level, and I was thankful for any bit of that that I would get.

I was also determined to do more of what I love, and find more time to do the art and things I love, as well as devote myself to the zoo more now that I don't have to worry about school or any of that. I know some days are going to be hard, both mentally and with working at the zoo, and struggling with my mental health would be an ongoing battle. But that wasn't a battle I had to face alone anymore, and having Robert by my side made everything much less scary.

Suddenly my vision went black, and I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes. I giggled, knowing it had to be Robert.

"I see we're playing games again," Robert's voice said in my ear. He uncovered my eyes and gave me a quick but subtle kiss on my cheek before sitting down. I blushed, gathering my sketching pencils and putting them in the pencil pouch.

"Yeah, I thought it would be fun to act like kids again, even for a little bit," I said, closing my sketchbook and holding everything on my lap.

"Well, what do you reckon? We can put your sketch stuff in your locker at the Wildlife Hospital, and we can head to the Crocuseum. There are no shows today so it'll be off-limits to the guests and we can start practising there with the birds," he said, looking out at the koalas climbing their trees and munching on eucalyptus.

"Sure!" I replied. We got up and walked over to the Wildlife Hospital. I walked beside Robert and kept my head down slightly, as I noticed he wanted to take the normal pathways and not the employee ones. I know most people are going to see us as just coworkers, seeing as I'm also in khakis, but I knew there was bound to be at least one crazy fangirl, maybe not today but someday, who would take a photo and publish it or send it to news outlets who will then pair said photos with cheesy and cliche headlines such as "Could Robert Irwin be dating someone!?" or "Who is Robert Irwin's Mystery Girl?" and I didn't think that was a problem either of us wanted to deal with. Hell, the only photos we've posted on our social media accounts where with both of our families together or photos with other coworkers so it was understood that we worked together and that simply my family was just friends with his family.

"Oh, so what did your family decide to do for Christmas?" Robert asked as we were walking.

"Oh my god, Christmas is in 4 days!" I said, slightly panicked. I still need to figure out what to get for Robert. "But yeah we decided we're just going to stay here. I don't really talk to any of my family in America. I plan to video call my aunt and uncle at least, they're the only ones I talk to. But yeah, we'll be here. And since Cait's family is here they'll be doing Christmas with my mum and me. And I think Cait's dad will be here too, but he's not officially moving in with the rest of their stuff until after the New Year."

"Oh, sweet as! I'm sure Cait's family will appreciate being here with yours," he said, stopping to open the door to the Wildlife Hospital.

"Yeah, what about yours? Are Chandler's family still coming?" I asked as we made our way towards the employee break room where the lockers were.

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now