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Robert started hitting the dead chicken on the ground and stomping, trying to get Grahm's attention. He brought the croc over to one end of the crocoseum, where I could see him and what he was doing. He looked up at me just as Grahm lunged for the meat, and he tossed it in his mouth as he jumped back. Success. 

I loved watching Robert do the croc shows. I never worried too much about him, he knew what he was doing and he was just like his dad- safe and had a way with animals. However, part of me always got a little anxious, especially when he did a show with Grahm. 

Grahm is a huge croc, and if Robert made one wrong move, it could end horribly. I'd hate for anything to happen to Robert at all, and for something to happen during a croc show would not be ideal, so I was thankful this show went well. Grahm was the same croc that grabbed steve once years ago and also gave Wes a nasty bite.

I haven't heard from Jackson at all yet today, but I figured he'd just been busy. Our date was for tomorrow afternoon, and I was looking forward to it. However, I noticed Robert always seemed disgruntled or uneasy when I brought Jackson up, but I just chopped it up to being the overprotective "big brother" he is to me. As much as I wondered what it would be like to be more than that to me, I doubted he felt the same. Plus, he's Robert. He much rather be with snakes or crocs than worrying over some girl, nonetheless me. 

I was still slightly concerned that I hadn't heard from Jackson yet. He did text me a quick "good morning" around 8, but that was it. We had been texting practically non-stop since we started talking, so I wasn't sure why he hasn't texted me much else today.

I left the crocoseum and waited by the tunnel for Robert when he left.

"Hey, Tarzan! That was wonderful!" I said, giving him a big hug. 

"Thanks, Ash! He's such a big croc, he always makes me a little nervous. But there was a girl in the crowd and just seeing her put me at ease," He said. It stung my heart. Who? Did Robert have his eye on some girl?

"Oh, well that's good!" I tried not to let my slight disappointment show. I know Robert would tell me when he's ready. 

The rest of the day was filled with us going and helping the staff feed various animals, and soon enough it was the evening and I was sitting on my bed. I texted Jackson.

Me: hey, are we still on for tomorrow at the beach?

Jackson: yeah! sorry, just been busy all day. you're still picking me up?

Me: yep! around 2 work?

Jackson: sweet as! see ya then!

I smiled, this was going to be our first date. We've talked quite a bit before today, and I enjoyed showing him around the zoo yesterday. He seemed interested in the animals, but he didn't have quite the same excitement Robert and I shared. I admired Robert's excitement, and how he was always ready to jump in and help any animal without a second thought. I knew though, that I would never find quite the same excitement and passion in anyone else, especially my age, except for Robert. 

I set my phone down and went and changed into pyjama shorts. As I lay in bed, I thought about dad's letter and how he wrote that he and my mum were always hoping Robert and I would get together. Was I doing the right thing, with Jackson? I don't know, but so far it felt right. And if not, I do have Robert to go to, and he'll at least be there for me as a friend. 

I had already done Rose's last night feeding, so I could at least sleep until 5:00 the next morning.

I groaned as my alarm went off, I was in such deep sleep but I know I have to go feed Rose. 

I changed into my khakis and headed off to the zoo.

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