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Terri had cooked an excellent veggie stir fry for dinner, and we were all sitting outside enjoying the warm summer air. My mum had texted me while we were eating to let me know she was on her way back home, and Cait and I planned on heading over there in a bit. Bindi and Robert also let Terri know about our plan to go to the shops tomorrow and she agreed that it was a good plan and said that the zoo would be okay without us for an afternoon. 

"Well, Cait and I better head back over to my place," I said, getting up. 

"Okay, love, I'll call you later," Robert said, standing up with us. 

"Sounds good," I replied.

Cait and I said goodnight to the rest of the Irwins and started our walk home. 

"Oh my god, Cait what am I going to get him for Christmas!?" I said once we got out of earshot of the Irwins. 

"Ashley, you know him better than I do!" She said back. 

"Ugh, I know. There are just so many options. I thought about drawing him a portrait of his dad but that seems cliche almost."

"Hmm.. What about his hobbies? He's into photography and guitar, right? And of course the zoo."

"Yeah, and dirt biking but I don't know what to get him that would be related to that. I know I could probably get him some more film for his film camera or custom guitar picks."

"Yeah, that's a start for ideas anyway," Cait said as we walked up the steps to my back deck, "I'm sure you'll find the perfect thing tomorrow afternoon."

We walked into my house and my mum was in the kitchen, making herself a quick dinner. 

"Hey girls, did you two have enough to eat at Terri's?" She said as we walked in. 

"Oh yeah, we're full. Thank you though mum," I said. 

"Of course sweetheart. Cait, your mum is finishing up a few things at the zoo but she should be home shortly," Mum said. 

"Okay, thank you," Cait said. 

"Oh, mum, Bindi offered to take us to the shops tomorrow afternoon to do the last bit of Christmas shopping, as long as it's okay with you and Elaine," I said. 

"I don't see why not. Just have fun and be safe," My mum replied, "I'm sure Elaine would be fine with it too."

"Thanks, mum! We're going to go upstairs. I love you!" I said, giving her a hug. 

"I love you too. Sleep tight," she said, laughing and hugging me back. 

Cait and I went upstairs, but rather than going to our separate rooms, she came to mine with me. 

"So, who do you have gifts for? And who else do you need to get gifts for?" Cait asked, plopping down on my bed. 

I walked over to my desk and sat in my desk chair. I grabbed a notebook off of my desk and rolled the chair close to my bed so I could prop my feet on it. 

"So far I have something for my mum- I was looking through one of the notebooks my dad left the other day and there's a little poem he wrote and I got it printed and put into a frame for her. I made Bindi a painting of Minibus, the wombat. I got Grace some clothes with little animals on them. I got Chandler some comfy pyjamas and slippers. So that just leaves Terri and Robert," I said. I also realised I should probably get Cait something, but I wasn't going to bring that up in front of her. 

"Okay, well that at least makes it a little easier since you only have two people left," Cait said. 

"Yeah, except the only problem is I don't know what to get either of them!" 

Sweet Summer Sunsets- A Robert Irwin FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now