Chapter 1 The Timid Omega

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A/N this story is loosely inspired by another heid omegaverse story that I have forgotten the name of as of right now. If I remember I will be sure to credit them, but this story is entirely different from theirs I promise.

In this story Spencer is a 19 year old Omega that has been abused by his Beta father after his mother died. Aaron is a 28  year old Alpha who, once he finds him, will to anything for his mate.
Derek may also be mentioned in this story but be warned he is not a friend he is a complete asshole and was abusive to Spencer in the past.


"You're such a useless piece of shit," Spencer's father growled as he slapped him.

Spencer knew better than to speak, it would only fuel his father's drunken rage.

"I wish it was you in that fucking car!" his father growls referring to his mother's death. He shoves him to the floor, "You can't do anything right, you're such a useless boy!" he began to kick him repeatedly.

"So do I.." Spencer whimpers under his breath.

"What was that?! You talking back to me boy?! You know what, I'll teach you to talk back to your elders." his father grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to the front door. he slammed open the screen door and threw the boy into the dirt outside.

He grabbed a pronged dog collar and forced it around Spencer's neck before pulling him by the loop attached to it. The sharp prongs dug into the omega's neck causing him to cry out in pain. His father clipped the collar to a dog lead, that was attached to a steel rod that jutted out of the ground. It was the perfect spot to string Spencer up and leave him to rot. And that's just what he was going to do.

He tied Spencer's hands and feet together and tied him to the pole. He growled when he heard Spencer whimper, "Quit your fucking whining." he spat and grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped his mouth shut. He also taped his nose closed to try to suffocate him faster, he was done with the useless boy and wanted him gone sooner rather than later. He tied a blindfold on the boy leaving him to only be able to hear his surroundings. "Looks like a storms comin in" he laughs. He beat on Spencer a few more times before growing bored and going back inside to drink.

Spencer wasn't stupid, he had instantly used his tongue to create a space in the tape so he could breath. He wasn't ready to die, but he also didn't have much to live for. He was 19 with no mate to speak of. He prayed that his alpha would find him and take him away from this place. He could only imagine the intoxicating scent that his alpha would have.

Aaron was driving through the small town, the one he usually would go around on his way home from work but something told him to go through it today. Once he entered city limits it began to rain. No. It began to pour.  As Aaron drove he began to smell and intoxicating scent mixed in with the rain. It was faint, but God was it a wonderful scent. Without thinking he began to follow it. Without realizing it he began to speed down the streets of the town, searching for the source of that amazingly wonderful smell. He drove until he came to a long driveway outside of city limits. He didn't care who lived at the other end of the gravel road, he needed to find the source. Now.

The rain pelted against his windshield, his wipers going at an insane speed as he searched. It was then that he came to the small house. He instantly saw the boy tied up outside.

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